(no subject)

Nov 17, 2007 20:47

Oh, I should mention! Thank you to ladymako71, basilmemories, daemonitellama, bonobochick, hannahrorlove, nobody_674, bandit_genrou, sophie_448, technocracygirl, and fickle_goddess. You have no idea how much seeing ten invitations made me happy (even if two of them were across the bloody country :D). I found a place to go for Thanksgiving, so I'm set.

I love y'all, and want to hang out with every one of you guys at some point. I might possibly have spent hours sitting around trying to figure out whose invitation to accept... I don't get to see my friends around here enough and you all are amazing. Just so you know.

And if you guys are free and want to see me, I'm plotting my birthday party! My birthday is December 31st! I'm not planning anything formal, just hanging out, talking, being geeky and eating cake. If you're gonna be free and want to come over, consider this an open invitation. Just drop me a line at some point so I know how much food to get, okay? (If you don't know where I live, when you let me know you're interested, I'll give you the address.)

friends, gift giving holidays

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