(no subject)

Nov 05, 2007 10:39

I had an amazing weekend, y'all! I think that if I had to choose between Yaoicon and BAScon, BAScon would win-- it's smaller, it's quieter, and, like ladyjax said at one point, it's sort of like the family reunion at Thanksgiving.
(This is not to say I didn't enjoy Yaoicon-- there are a few people on my friendslist who should know just how much I adored seeing them. Just that BAScon was more of the fun stuff without some of the stressing that I dealt with at the other.)

Also, I would like to note I'm keeping the BAScon panel writeups for possible bidding at Yaoicon next year. There were some AMAZING panels. Specifically, I'm thinking Rebecca's (blueraccoon, I think) "Religion in Slash" panel, Lady Ra's "OTP" panel, coniraya's "(Internalized) Misogyny and Slash", and ladyjax's "Livejournal and the Limits of Online Fandom". Of course, I need to ask their permission to steal the ideas, but Y-con is overdue for something a little bit more serious. (Of course, there's always the "Club Denial" panel-- "D.L. Is pining for the fjords and Connor Kent is NOT DEAD.")

There was one black mark on the weekend, but I'll deal with that when I've put some time between me and the issue so I can look at it clearly without spazzing the fuck out the way I did last night.

In other news, I won a vid from the lovely and very accomodating Chicafrom3 at Sweet Charity this year. I had a specific idea (because she was the only person offering Dresden Files fandom stuff), but then i got into Heroes and she does Heroes vids too. And now I'm all flustered and don't know what to request. So you guys should help me.

I have three ideas, but two of them don't have song choices.

Also, I know there are other ideas, and y'all should provide me with them. And music.
(Chicafrom3's fandom list is Andromeda, Animorphs, Doctor Who (new), Farscape, Firefly, Hairspray (2007), Heroes, Lost, Newsies, Psych, Roswell, The Black Donnellys, The Breakfast Club, The Chronicle, The Dresden Files, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood)

Poll You Know Your Story's Touching, But It Sounds Like a Lie

poll, vids, cons, slash

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