Well, fuck me.

Aug 23, 2007 12:08

So, starting September I probably won't have a job. This is not terribly surprising, even if it is disappointing. I applied for a job here because I figured after 5 months I had enough experience that they would want to hire me for an open job. And, hell, one of the other temps, who has almost no experience in libraries, got one of the other open jobs. But I guess the competition on this one must have been stronger, because I'm "not their top candidate"-- others had more library staff experience, and one of them had experience as a supervisor.

And the boss said if they fill both open jobs (which I'm pretty sure they have), they wouldn't be renewing my temp contract. So... God knows.

Boss also said that this wasn't the way he was intending to tell me (he pulled me into his cubicle and just said straight out that the other candidates were stronger because they'd only just finished the interviews), but I asked him what was going on, so he felt he owed it to me to let me know what was actually going on. I'm glad he did. And he said that if I apply to another place around here he'd be willing to give me a good reference.

But, hell, I work for a temp agency. Hopefully they'll find me a new position quickly enough.

... I'm gonna go find myself a corner to cry in for a little while, though.


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