(no subject)

Jan 16, 2007 00:10

Just want to get some stuff down before I forget about it. I mentioned at the SPN meetup on Satty that I wanted Asylum fic-- that is, fanfic where Dean is actually stuck in an aslyum. nighean_isis and the rest could only come up with two fics-- The Innocent by cariadean and Chains of Babylon by poisontaster. Neither of them are really what I was exactly looking for, although Chains came vaguely close-- I was looking for a standard-universe fic, with Dean, strong, confident Dean having to deal with being told that whatever he knew was wrong. The Innocent, although interesting, is an AU with a brain-damaged Dean. Cool, but not what I was looking for. Chains is definitely closer. PT's doctor-voice is so perfectly spot on, and the way Dean manages the amnesia works, but... it sort of skipped over what i was really looking for, which was Dean in the aslyum-- it opens with Dean getting busted out.

Maybe I should write what I want. I ended up just talking this out with koala_motchi because I was ranting that I couldn't find what I was really craving. (She says that fandom just doesn't want to suport my straightjacket fetish.)

It goes like this:
There is something hunting Hunters. The Roadhouse is abuzz with it. It's mostly younger hunters too, the older ones, for the most part, seem to be untouched.

Dean is abducted, taken to a mental institution. I mean, a neat, clean, modern institution. Medication, sedation, no electroshock therapy or ice-water baths or other rougher treatments. Of course, he's sedated when he starts fighting, drugged, put in a straight jacket so he doesn't hurt himself or others. The doctor is well-meaning, the nurses are... well, they're workers. They do their job and they're working with crazy people. Which means anything Dean says to them, any charm he turns on gets dismissed out of hand. There's medication, which Dean is adept at avoiding taking, and the nurses are just as adept at catching him avoiding.

That's all-- meetings with a polite, pleasant doctor who is, nonetheless, convinced Dean is delusional, group art therapy/sun room with a bunch of people who are quite, from Dean's point of view, insane, nurses who dismiss him as another crazy, and the medication and sedation any time he tries anything.

It's not mind or soul-shattering. It just... eats away at his confidence in his world view. They never DENY his life up until then. But they undermine it, undermine his confidence in what he's seen, what he's KNOWN to be true from day one. And it's Dean. He clings to his knowledge with conviction, but... he's got underlying insecurities. And, of course, you have to break someone down to build them back up again, right?

Menwhile, Sam is looking for him-- one would assume that Dean's cellphone was taken, put into storage. For plot purposes, probably somewhere in a storage vault so the GPS tracking wouldn't work too well. Sam's looking for a few months, uncovers a few more hints about hunters getting abducting, learning Dean isn't the first and dodging a few Search and Aquisition teams himself, and eventually tracking Dean to some private institution not too far outside of a nice-sized town or city (just for a change of pace). This being Sam he probably has fake pre-med or medical creds he can flash to get inside the door. At which point he'd find his brother sedated and probably of no help to anyone.

Dean manages to focus enough, this being his brother who's just shown up and we all know how hard Dean will fight to keep his brother safe, and they manage to sneak their damn way out of there, after a near-miss or two. I'm thinking Dean or Sam tries to grab Dean's medical files, and it turns out there's one for BOTH of the boys, indicating that Sam was pending capture.

Sam drags them both to a motel where it becomes clear that regardless of how willing Dean's conscious mind might be, the months of constant drumming into his mind that he's insane have clarly taken their toll, with something inside him whispering that they're WRONG, this is all a paranoid delusion. That they think they're killing monsters, but they're really killing innocent humans.

This is, of course, exacerbated by the fact that the Acquisition teams coming after them? Completely human.

In fact, the hunters disappearing has been masterminded and staffed solely by well-meaning mundanes who think that the supernatural doesn't exist and innocents are getting hurt by these night-flying vigilantes. They want to cut the hunters off at the knees-- get rid of all the young or new hunters, and eventually the experienced ones will die off and there won't be replacements. Of course, most of the people working at the hospitals where the hunters get placed would have no idea-- the hunters being brought in are just patients.

Dean and Sam have to muddle through this, while Dean works though his doubts that any of this is real, not sure if Sam is right or just propping up a mutual delusion.

I'd love to have porn in it, but... I can't see how it would work, unless they were having sex beforehand, and it was just one more thing the doctor could undermine Dean with. I mean, sex with your baby brother? Not terribly normal, all things considered. After Dean got out, well, it would probably be some time before he could even think about fucking Sammy.

This is one of those long involved things that I always WANT to write, but probably don't have the focus to manage. Le sigh.

On the other hand, I'm hoping I do have the focus to finish writing up the Man with Yellow Eyes in In Nomine terms. I can DO IT, I swear.

supernatural, fic, creative

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