I'm missing a bunch of really cool looking panels at BASCon this year (since I'll be back in SF, taking the last of my CSETs and will be gone from, like noon until 5 or 6pm. Lucky me.) Like the "Race in Fandom", and "Crossovers" panel. Sad panda.
But, you know what? I have to remember that next year I should offer to run a panel titled "The Cult of Mean". XD Fandom_Wank ahoy, mateys. Yeah, I know a bunch of people on my flist don't really like the place. I vaguely remember learning about it because someone grudgewanked
harukami, even. But it would be nice to sit around and mock slash. I mean, It wouldn't even have to be about F_W proper. It could be about talking about the things we hate in fandoms, the things we want to change, and the lovely mockable bits about our favorite TV shows, like Tom Welling's slowly chubbifying belly and Jensen Ackle's duck-lips. And, you know, the silly moments and bad acting.
I could offer to run it at Yaoicon too. I was wondering what sort of panel I could offer to run at YCon, since I haven't watched anime in for-fucking-ever.
vampireanneke, think it'd run?
This is just a note to myself, even though I'll still forget it by next year. Too bad panel sign-ups are WAY OVER this year.
ETA: My girl thinks the panel should be titled "The Cult of Mean: Why Your Fandom Sucks". Heh. I love my girl.