
Feb 01, 2006 01:08

Despite a lousy start, which included me actually snarling at a bunch of unruly kids (which was a combination of sleep deprivation, PMS, and the fact that they're all little brats) today was pretty cool. I grumbled at my Creative Writing teahcer because all we did was disect a story line by line, and if I wanted to do that I could take a basic English course. How about doing some more writing excercises? Maybe giving us more than 15 minutes to work on them, and then DISCUSSING THE RESULTS? MAYBE? Bwa. I spent most of the class ignoring the teacher. And watching Power Rangers on mute.

After class I called bandit_genrou because I didn't see her at the bus stop. She had decided to go home, but kindly invited me along to hang out with her, her girl, and friends. Which I did. The evening included dinner at Red Robins (for which I owe Sabrina money-- note to self), Karaoke Revolution, and the chance to play with bandit_genrou's pet snake, Pickles, who is just the sweetest thing.

When I got home... I had a package from Amazon waiting for me. Imagine my surprise to open it and find a Valentine's present from my eternal love, koala_motchi. Two weeks early. XD She's very prompt with the gift giving. In lieu of baked goods (deciding that anything she could send I would make better) she sent me a copy of Alton Brown's baking cook book, I'm Just Here for More Food.

I'm thinking I'll bake something from the book and overnight it to her.

gift giving holidays, girls, school

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