Deja vu is a Dangerous Drug

Sep 08, 2007 15:59

Often times while driving, expecially at night, I alow my mind to wander into empty places.
Only when cleaning or driving can I reach this empty yet peacefull place.
And naturally these are two tasks that you want your mind to be present to the currant world during.

Driving home from Zatch's house last night I started to wander into the blisfull white space.
Naturally when I came out of it I was lost and had almost hit a cat. It was a strange looking cat,
about half the size of Rosie. But not in fur. It also was a grey cat with dark strips. Like Ziggy's
but only black where his where just a dark grey. The cat darted out twice infront of me.
I then had to sit in the back roads of Hickory Ridge and Commerce before realiseing I just had to go
forward alittle and see that I was in the same place as normal.

When the cat had done that I got such a strong force of deja vu that I left the calm space
to try to figure out what exactly the memory was. Naturally I couldn't figure it out.

On a different note, I got SH1 on an emulator. I don't know why I didn't try this before hand.
I wanted to download FF9 because of Zatch opening up Sara's myspace over and over. When I was looking
at the emulators, a picture example for one was Silent Hill. I got excited and Jessica had to help me.
If she hadn't been on I wouldn't have figured it out and gotten mad. Stupid things want you to download
like 5 add ons before they will even run.
The sound skips pretty bad and its hard to controll. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Well .. I got the next eps. of Dragon Ball so I'm gonna watch that now.
Crab Ragoon tomorow and then work at 5.

Kendall, wish Anthy a happy birthday. Though I might text you to do that all the same. I just feel
like typing it here seeing how it is officaly his birthday as I type this.
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