Ahhhh. I feel exhausted. Moving back into the flow of things has drained me. Espicially with an hours less sleep today. Hmph. Silly time changes. D:
Just started watching Hakushaku to Yosei (Earl and Fairy), an anime about a notrious Earl and a fairy doctor he's hired. I adore any series set in England, and the characters are a mix of cruelly manipulatve and brutally honest people whom I can't help but love. Only on episode 4 right now, and it's already getting exciting~
Also made a bit of way with the La Cordo d'Oro manga, and remembering the anime as I go along. It's odd, seeing the characters in black and white, when the anime was so vivid with its use of colours. What happened to the blue, and green, and red hair? XD And, ofc, the instant dislike I felt for Len didn't come this time either, lol. I'm glad the anime stuck to the original series though.
I've been reading quite a bit in the last couple of months. I guess it's because I'm going through both my own list of books aswll as my university pre-reading list. I may just reach my 100 books a year target this time - last year I got to 73 - if I keep on at this rate!
Shadow Magic: The sequel to Havemercy. It is pure brilliance. I didn't think it would be as good as Havemercy, but perhaps my lack of hope only helped in making it seem even better. I was sad to see that the original characters' stories weren't countinued, however that didn't matter when the authors made more awesome characters to fangirl over. :D I. CANNOT. WAIT. TO GET. THE. LAST. BOOK.
Frankenstien: The professor had told me to buy a certain edition of the book, which I discovered was really old, and had lots of foot and side notes all over the place, and I was so glad for them because I don't think I could have read the book quite so easily otherwise. I liked it though. Gothic novels always have this certain charm, don't they? :3
Catch 22: Although it's one of my favourite books ever, I keep forgetting just how crazy Yossarian is, and how hard it is to keep up with his thinking. My brain hurt with every few chapters.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell: Re-read it at the same time too. VICTORIAN ERA and MAGIC. 'Nuff said, yeah? As happy as I was to be revisiting such awesome characters and time periods, I realise now that perhaps trying to re-read two heavy books at once was not such a good idea. ;~;
Mrs Dalloway: Finally finished it up and it was boring as hell. Ugh. I still have to read To The Lighthouse aswell, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. GTFO my shelf Virginia Woolf. You belong in the red box with Thomas Hardy...whose Jude the Obscure I still have to look forward to too.
13 Little Blue Envelopes: Maureen Johnson is so made of win. I watched her vlogs, but I was wary of reading her books in case I hated them, and it affected by opinion of her... but the book is her all over. XD It's about this American Girl travelling through Europe. Her first destination is London (ahhhh! my uni is in it! B]) and I kept thinking, 'is that what tourists think about this and that?!'
Norwegian Wood: The film's out now, isn't it? But I won't be watching it methinks. As wonderful as the books is..it is mostly made out of sex. XD And reading is completely different to watching that.
Deerskin, The Blue Sword, Sunshine, Rose Daughter : This was an awesome Robin McKinley bookfest. Something like a sugar overload from my view, with all the fantasu elements and happy endings. They made me extremely happy. I've also bought The Door by the Hedge and Dragonhaven by her as well. Fun times. BD
The Theif Lord: I'd always meant to read it because it's always mentioned on those 'books you must read!' lists. So yeah. It's aimed at a young audience, which surprised me. It's sweet though, and has a pretty good detective story line and other friendship sub-plots to keep you interestesd.
The Great & Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, The Sweet Far Thing: These are Libba Brays's most acclaimed Order series. Man..Idk. I was really dissapointed. They're like, the most recommended on people's book lists, and all I get is a story that really oughtn't have been streched out into a triology. The only redeeming feature of the series is that the characters are real. You have no idea how important that is to me. I find Ann, and Pippa, and Felicity as annoying as hell (in fact the only characters I really like are Gemma herself, and Mrs Nightwish), but I can relate to all of them at some time in the book.
The Reader: I bought the DVD recently to watch it since I'm a bit of a German History buff, and I wanted to see what the book would be like first. I really like how, even though the woman's being condemned for what she's done, the actual tone of the book is neutral, leaving you to make up your mind. I didn't focus too much on the romantic side of it...
And now back to the present, I've started The Summer Tree, the first book in the Fionavar Tapestry triology by Guy Gavriel K. :3 The first book's been sitting on my shelf for over a year. I can't remember what me put it down the first time, but I like it so far and have taken out the other two from the library. Fantasy triologies are complete love. ♥
*end of geeking out*
Well that was a tl;dr entry wasn't it? Sorry, man. My dorkiness knows no end.
Speaking of fantasy books, the news Diana Wynne Jones' death made me incredibley sad. One of my favourite books was Howl's Moving Castle, and the I grew up reading her and Enid Blyton's short stories... I hope she rests in peace.