(no subject)

Jul 25, 2009 04:43

So yeah. Uh. Wow. Even a week later I'm still just like "wow, that actually happened?", though a lot of my weekend was spent consciously or unconsciously focused on a particular subject(THREE GUESSES, FIRST TWO DON'T COUNT). I'm not even sure where to begin. So how about chronologically!

I actually remember exactly what happened Thursday morning when I woke up for my bus. My brother walked into our bedroom and went "Hey. Dad wants you."

I woke up dazedly and responded with something like "Why? ...OH." And I charged downstairs like I was eight and it was fucking Christmas. We got to the bus station and we actually ran into one of my dad's friends, who was sending his nephew home on the bus. To Baltimore. I was like "Huh, this is kind of unlikely." Anyway, the kid ended up being a semi-awkward jock/nerd mix who didn't talk much, so he was pretty boring but it was nice having someone to travel with. When we transferred in Pittsburgh, we got on the bus with a bunch of obvious weeaboos carrying large objects wrapped in duct tape and paper. One of the girls in the groups was really talkative, and we talked for a bit after the bus left. She said she was cosplaying Kagome, but I didn't see her at the con so I couldn't judge her costume.

We actually arrived ahead of schedule at the bus station, and I was pretty excited to meet everyone(and someone specific who I can already see I'm going to be too nervous to name directly even though it's obvious and it doesn't even make any logical sense to be nervous but for some reason I still am and agdagpoaipgos). The irony, though, is that Josh hadn't even arrived in town yet. And that he wouldn't be there for another two hours. It was a bit frustrating at the time, but looking back it was pretty funny. While I was sitting at the station, I heard a couple of authentic Jamaicans talk to each other, and I met another guy(read: the only other white person) who was going to the con and from what I gathered was going to meet a bunch of internet friends and a long-distance romantic interest.


Anyway Josh finally showed up and we headed to the hotel for MAGICAL TIMES OF MERRIMENT. Looking back, I don't think I acted grateful enough for him giving me a ride to and from the bus station, and supplying me with room and board(even when I tried to pay). I really am, though, but I guess I need to work on actually showing that outwardly when it's relevant. So anyway, we get to hotel, go the wrong way to the lobby, and then up the elevator and to the room. The entire time I'm excited to meet everyone and talking myself up to be cool(and romantic ehehe) and stuff. We get into the room, which of course doesn't open up directly into the room but instead has a small hall leading to it, giving me a few more seconds of panic/pumping up, turn into the room and...

Well, at this point, looking across the room to the farthest chair, all that mental hyping up immediately degraded to a single thought that was something like "saiogsuaogihujoisfjhaophgiajspdgoiasjdgp", and then the panic/pumping up was just panic. Lots of panic. For the record, I can't remember ever panicking so hard. It was kind of nice, in an odd way. A little bit later, we went and greeted Team Canada down the hall. It was really cool meeting my KYOUDAI~, and having that KYOUDAI GROUP HUG YEAH. Also Tom's accent. ...but after that point I don't really remember the rest of the night until we were all trying to sleep. Me and Kristin were cramped between the two beds with everyone's luggage, and I'm pretty sure I was using my bag as a pillow. ...ehehehe.

A-Anyway, Friday we went and registered, 'cause we were all too late on Thursday to get our prereg badges. Also I remember that 'cause of Rob's friends' convenient placement, Kristin and Rob were able to get their badges faster than the rest of us, even though they hadn't even preregged. We walked around the convention center for a while, then went down to the dealer's room(Kristin immediately took off in one direction, and the group in another. ...well i couldn't just leave her alone s-so). ...And then foggy memory. Oh, I do remember almost running headlong into one of my Maryland friends from earlier in the year(one of the ones that doesn't like me, of course), but due to my magnificent spidey-senses, I was able to sidestep her. ...foggy memory. I have a terrible terrible memory.

Anyway, at some point we had to go back to the hotel room 'cause Kristin forgot her badge. So we go back, sit in the room for like a minute, and then we hear knocking at the door. We go and answer it, and it's Team Canada! I can't remember the exact conversation but someone asked if it was just us in the room. Kristin responded yes, it was just us, and I think I nodded.

There was a moment of silence.

I particularly remember how the males in the group were looking at us. Then I stopped, took a mental step back, and I realized how excessively suspicious the situation was. b-but we weren't doing anything suspicious at all really(well at least nothing excessively suspicious(i never knew it was possible to kiss somebody and still be afraid to confess to them(though i suppose i did later on saturday but that was under cover of some not-serious situation so it feels like it doesn't count(this is what my thought processes were like all weekend it was ridiculous))))! Then after they left, the rest of the team arrived before we went back to the con.

From this point on, everything is kind of blurred together in my head. Watching animu(KILL THEM ALL) and MST3k(TEXAS RANGER IN SPACE) and Freakazoid(I WANT A CAN OF HASH AND SOME COFFEE) and fluctuating from Cloud 9 to jealousy and stuff. Hard Rock stands out in my mind, and it was cool being able to actually sit and converse with Kristof and Tony(I couldn't hear anyone else at the table). And the cop yelling at me and Tony being loud and Tony taking all the heat(WHAT A MAN~).

The only clear event is from the Saturday rave and on. We took Barry's iPod and Josh's cardboard box speaker and a suitcase and made an AWESOME PORTABLE RAVE. I say we but really it was just those two, but anyway. We went down to the fountain and MINIRAVED. Kristin eventually pulled me in to dance(I felt like an ass, and probably looked like one, but holy shit I was one happy ass.), and I remember picking her up and being surprised at how light she was. Ehehehe~

E-Er, uh, a-afterwords, on the way back, they put on the theme to Cromartie High, and we TOUGH-GUY WALKED the entire way back. Ten seconds in, some guy explodes through the crowd in front of us with a camera, and starts recording us. SOON TO BE YOUTUBE FAMOUS. We went back to the room(after being on the anti-matter elevator(and Barry said what has been my favorite compliment to ever receive: "The only thing that could set off the elevator's weight limit would be Jon's balls hitting the floor.") and watched Garzey's Wing. Kristin fell asleep on my shoulder.

...I just now put together exactly why I don't remember much of Garzey's Wing, and it has nothing to do with the movie being terrible.

The next day, Josh and me got up and we left. I didn't say goodbye to anyone that morning(though i should have stupid stupid stupid), and then bus ride back, of which I spent most of sleeping(and actually ended up dreaming of Otakon. For a few days afterword, too.). The last few hours sucked because Mystia's batteries died, but then I was like "oh right aya's in my pocket" and then I played DS.

I already missed everyone before I boarded my first bus, too. Hehe. I'm really excited for next year, though I hope to see who I can earlier if possible(Benny mentioned a con near his place in September, which seems like a deliciously timed sink for my birthday money). I definitely need to save up more money for swag(Archer and KOS-MOS were a light load), and for the potential after-trip. I feel like I didn't really spend enough time with Team Canada, as well, 'cause I only really talked to Benny and Kristof and I barely even saw them. Definitely need to remember that for next year.

I wish I had a clearer memory of the whole trip, though. Maybe my memory is really just that bad or maybe it's because I was so nervous the whole trip(which makes no sense why was i nervous. WHY AM I STILL NERVOUS NOW HOLY CRAP), or maybe it's some mix of the two, but I should probably become a picwhore like Tony next time. Hehehe. There are probably a lot of things I'll end up forgetting but I'll remember 'cause of the pictures everyone else took(like that time I ate Zane's foot(and that time I made out with Tony as he carried me and Ranka was displeased)). Camera next year! YEAH.

okay my brain is finally starting to shut down(which is good because I have to get up early tomorrow. it's 6 am!), so I'm gonna go to bed. excited for next year~
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