First and foremost! HITLER MUST DIE! Bastard. Most of the Americans are nuts in this series. The fight at the beginning between Kanda and Bookman was hilarious~. Kanda may be a demon but we love him for it because fans are twisted liked that~. Also, everyone cheering for Kanda to lose too funny feel the love Kanda~. Also, THANK YOU MARIE! You just re-enforced my love of KandaAllen even more so~! Blind people ftw though the attack out of nowhere was like...'Nani? Marie fights drity~ lol'! Allen has only bad luck. Period. And dude, I'm liking the order itself less and less with each chapter...^^'. Nothing but horrid people in charge. I think the best thing about this chapter is WE FINALLY FIND OUT MORE ABOUT KANDA even if it was just a little, it holds promise for more info in the future~! He saved Marie which brings up the question of what happened to Marie and Kanda's 'darkness' almost all exorcists had crappy childhoods. Also, it was interesting that even Link was surprised by the haft Akuma info~.
Favorite lines in this chapter:
Lavi: What's up, Allen?
Bookman: You're bleeding, you know.
Link: You guys are slow.
(Priceless reactions to what just happened~)
Most upsetting/dpressiong lines: For we humans to prevail over Akuma...some sacifices are necessary.
(Nooo...Kanda...-sniffles and glares- Bitch.)
Also, damnit...SO WANT TO