Feb 04, 2011 21:04
So, we had an insane snow storm here and I didn't go to class at all this week. Tuesday only my Psychology class canceled. The others were still on unless campus closed. I didn't go cause like hell I was going to drive out to the college in that-_-'. They ended up closing it at 5:00. The next two days the campus was closed. It looks like most of the city is shoved or plowed out by now though~.
My order form Right Stuf hasn't been shipped yet cause the PH BS2 is backordered;_;.
I wasn't able to get the SilabusHaseo doujinshi I wanted cause they apparently didn't have it in stock. They did refund me and let me chose any of the other .hack doujinshi they had though for free, so that's a plus. I'm still sad I don't get the SilabusHaseo one though. I choose a HaseoKite one~.
The animals are starting to get a little stir crazy, mostly Darling and Ginger though. Ginger doesn't like the sheer amount of snow in the backyard cause she can't (doesn't want to) walk in it. Darling wants to go out on the porch but it's too cold for her to stay out there longer then a minute or two. This stills doesn't stop the both of them from whining at us though^^'.
It's been extremely cold here the last few days and our heater doesn't work for shit when it's cold like that. Plus my room is in the basement...brrrr.
doujinshi is my anti-drug,
be weather somewhere else,