Dec 27, 2010 00:08
Hey~. I hope everyone had a good Christmas~. Mine went really well this year. Yay~! I got pretty much all I asked for^^. Mom didn't drink Christmas (or today) like she promised and terry was semi-tolerable. He even got me a gift that didn't suck (like the camera that didn't work that he bought from a bar-_-'). He got me a Dragon Claw Dagger, and it looks really cool~. I also got gift cards for Best Buy, Borders, and iTunes (I love gift cards, they aren't impersonal to me, they just say "I know you like this place and I want to get something you really want so here you go^^!"). Also, Nightmare Before Christmas earmuffs and car seat cover, 20th anniversary DVDs of Oliver and Company and The Aristocats, The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Love's Baby Soft set and Rain Forest set (Loves is the only perfume I really like and will wear), a cardigan like sweater, a turtle neck sweater, and new warm pajamas (cause I've been complaining^^') which include Tinker Bell sweatsXP. But my favorite gift has been my new iPod Touch~! I'm love with it and have been almost glued to it since I've gotten it^^. I need to get use to typing on it though I'm having fun looking for apps for it (atm looking at free ones, might buy some later~).
I've been catching up on anime and manga~. Almost dine with Tsubasa and now I wanna read the manga for it~. And unless I decided on something else the next anime I'm getting from Netflix is a partly just for curiosity and something a little mindless, Air Gear. I need to work on my instant queue as well on their~.
I talked to Michic and it looks like she might be coming up here and visit after the new year to help out with her Mom. No details or dates yet though so I'm a little iffy.
what is this holiday you speak of,
stuff like woah,
manga madness,
anime obsession