Been going around on the flist lately. As a warning, I'm really bad at prompts. Also, I'm not going to have time to write these until after finals are over at the end of next week, but
_chibidragon_ was like "Are you going to post a meme?" and I was the one who enabled her to do it I should as well.
So, without further ado:
1) Pick a fandom/canon (BTR COUNTS
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Comments 13
I'm wrapped in the depths of these deeds that have made me
the coals went so wild they just swallowed the rest
Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have created.
This hole in my heart is in the shape of you and no one else can fit it. Why would I want them to?.
I HOPE THEY WORK. And no worries if you can't brain for them, or if they come after finals. WE UNDERSTAND. <3
BTR- Half remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong? When you feel that it was over in the autumn of goodbyes... ( song here, if you'd like to use it all for inspiration. :D)
Luka- without him, the world around me changes. The trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers.
Aya Arsenic & Alexander Kawakubo (the threadmage) - I am what I am and what I am needs no excuses (idek if this fits them or not, but i wanted to give them a prompt/see writing about them >>. If it doesn't fit them, you should still write about them.) OOoh. one word prompt. "Danger" so you can use that if the other doesn't work. XD
I will come back with more. :D
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