Jul 15, 2005 22:55
Whew it's been a while so here is what has happened scince my last post...
- My debit card number was stolen and used to pay for AOL service ( Why would someone smart enouph to take my card number get AOL??) Anyway I have gotten a refund of the last few months and will be receiving a new card to use in the mail.
- I received a bill from groupe health a for $190 and have yet to pay them back for any of it. When I get my new debitcard I'll send a payment.
- I had to buy a nnew(used) dryer for mom because the old one broke (its 25 years old I think it has served it's term) and so was noe able to pay groupe health.
- it will be another $500-$600 to get my van running perfectly but the most important thing right now is tires wich will be most of that. Also it needs brakes and an alignment. The cheapest thing will be the turnsignal it'll be less than $10 to fix it and that is ok with me.
- My compter speakers' subwoffer got left next to my case for to long and I lost my os. Fotunietly most of my other data was uncorrupt and the rest was backed up. I had to put it a third harddrive, install windows, move all uncorrupt data from #1 to #2 and format it (I got to make a full drive partition this time) and then move it all back after formatting that drive. I still havet reinstalled everything but I managed to find my lost cases that had my doom3 and sims2 cd-keys.
-I wokeup at 3am thismorning by knocking the currten off the hoock and having it fall over my herad. I woke up screeming my head off and throwing the currtin across the trailor. Then realizing that I did have a person putting a bag over my head I proceded to spend the next hour calming myself down so I could go to sleep. Durring this time I started to look for the cd cases mentioned above and after finding them I decided it was time to lay back down untill I could sleep again. I dont know why the effected me the way it did it must have had somthing to do with what I was dreaming about but I don't remember.
-I got my largest paycheck today it was $325.97.and I spent a good chunk of it today on books, sandals, and a copy of guild wars
-Guild wars is fun based on the 20min I spent playing it. My only gripe is that other players who aren't party members don't show up outside of town. Meh I guess that is ok though more kills for me ^ ^.
- the next week (mon-fri) I will have the house to myself and will not be working so feel free to call me I'll probably be playing games or working arround the house to prove to my parents that I'm not a compleate slob and I can maintain a house by myself.