Feb 25, 2016 00:27
so, actually i joined a competitio and was unfortunately disn't come out as the winner. it was about a love letter that was written anonymously. when i wrote the letter, i memorized all of the frozen, almost-locked, sweet remembrance... or should i say, the lack thereof.
"To the boy who smells like spice, smiles like sunshine.
Inget penghapus kenko yang kupake pas pelajaran mtk? Masih kusimpen.
Inget film orphan yang kita tonton waktu itu? Aku jadiin film kebangsaanku.
Inget kecoak yang kamu sodorin ke aku? Iya, aku selalu pengen gaplok kamu pas itu wkwk.
Inget gak kalo kamu dulu suka ngupil sembarangan? Hehe.
Iya, aku disini juga sehat, masih suka nulis, masih suka sksd... dan masih suka sama kamu.
Jadi kamu harus masih suka aku, oke?
From Aku."
and that was that.
except the last second part is actually a lie. he won't like me back.
sometimes i thought about time and how the relativity the Old Man Einstein have presented a hundred years ago. he always right when he said there are chippers of universe in the life od two mating blackholes, and he was right about the time dilatation we got whenever we took a trip to the nearest planet in the fastest way possible.
when he said the time and apace are relative, i thought how right he was.
that probably for him, the time went with his pace,
while the time, for me, walk with such hurried, i'll-never-walk-with-yo gallop.