Mod: After the drama is over...

Dec 23, 2008 13:09

So the drama is over already.... anyone misses Ariake3 already??? =(     Nino-Ryo-Erika said they want to be real siblings, and they want to continue their brother-sister/friends relationship even after the drama is over in Pingpong promo.... I hope its really true!! Please let us see a shot of the Ariake3 again someday!!! Maybe, for example... a paparazzi shot??? LOL! Headlines on FRIDAY tabloid, "Ninomiya, Nishikido and Toda went to have a meal together in private", hahaha (Jun-Mao-Shun paparazzi shot dejavu? xD)   A paparazzi shot of just RyoErika would be better though... LOL! Okay, I'm getting irrational... xD

I just want to say that although the drama is over, this community is totally NOT over, it will keep alive and active, I predict till the next couple of months, and it won't be totally dead until next year, I'm sure...hehe... because...
We still have unfinished hardsubs coming, KTSTV projects coming, and also the novel translations!! YES! And also some magazine interviews translation that I havent had the chance to finish yet xDDD   I'm sure there are more magazine scans coming too! And how about fanvids?? We haven't seen ANY Ryusei no Kizuna fanvids yet right?? Please creative fans, make ones and share them here! Anything! Fanvids dedicated to the siblings! Shipping fanvids are welcome too! Yukinari-Shizuna, Koichi-Sagi, Koichi-Shizuna, Taisuke-Shizuna, Koichi-Taisuke, Koichi-Yukinari!!! LOL! Anything!!! Fanfics, fanarts, any fan stuff would always be welcomed here!!
I have start making a RyoErika fanvid like 2 months ago, but I didnt get to finish it yet xDDD   Maybe I should....

For novel translation, I will definitely continue right after I finish KTSTV projects, so please be patient x)

To nana_komatsu7 and litany_sh and others who had help with the RAW uploads, hontou ni, hontou ni otsukaresama deshitaaaaa(thank you for your hard work)!!!^0^    If there's EVER a special episode, and/or movie, please help out again, hehe....

To maiisaki and hakka_candy, thank you, thank you for the layout and headers... and I hope you can still change the header once in awhile, although the drama is over^^  (as long as the community is still active, of course^^)

Thank you, thank you to everyone who has contributed to this community! Please, keep contribute and share Ryusei no Kizuna-related stuff! Yoroshiku onegaishimaaaasu!^0^

I predicted this community won't be totally dead until next year... but even if its dead... who knows, it'll come alive again with SP or movie news (although its highly unlikely) xD   But lets just keep our fingers crossed, ne!

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