Feb 23, 2008 09:03
Oh no. I took the "What Science Fiction Character Are You?" and got Wesley Crusher. Wesley Crusher!!! Who put him in there? And who didn't make his description "wanker"? I had a good bio, something about exploring the world for new experiences, and I get Wesley. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
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here is a more accurate sci-fi character quiz. respond and i'll send you your results.
question 1: what is your name?
question 2: would you get along well with Q should the opportunity arise?
question 3: would any amount of money induce you to provide taxi services for any skywalker? if so, how much?
question 4: do you occasionally wonder if you are secretly a cylon?
question 5: given the opportunity would you rather have a cat or an alien slave from a smaller less powerful planet as a pet?
question 6: could any sci fi you were in contain explicit sex? if so, could you be involved in it or would it have to be other people.
As for the better quiz
1. My name is Nicole. Some people know me as Cecily. Others as Inoue. If you need more, please fill out the appropriate request form.
2. Of course, but you know that already.
3. Yes, but it depends on the Skywalker. And I don't even remember what their currency is anymore. Gold pressed latinum? No, wrong show. Whatever, I'll go with Han's amount minus 10%
4. You know, not since I learned what a cylon was, but I think I did use to wonder about it in high school.
5. A cat. Really, the point is that it's ornery and won't always listen to me. What good is a slave for that?
6. Hell yes. And you'd have to show me the men first before I determined my participation.
You are small but extremely competant. Although your talents are not always appreciated by your superiors, the rest of the ship would be dead without you. You also have the capacity to bring down entire space stations, but generally save such badassness for good causes.
You are very loyal to people who are worthy of your loyalty. You love to travel, and are equally at home in a bustling space station at the center of the galaxy and on a back water planet full of sand. Your best friend is probably loud, moderately obnoxious, and full of his or her own self-importance. You keep up a constant stream of snarky comments that most people don't understand. You don't look like much of a fighter, but you're scrappy.
A focused advisor whose actions are dictated by almost pure logic, you believe in exploring the fascinating possibilities around you.
Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Although this is not at all as bad as Wesley, I don't think it's particularly accurate. So I declare this quiz just plain wrong. I think you should devise a sci fi quiz for me so I can have a better result as well.
1. We'll start easy. How man personalities do you have?
2. Over the course of a 5-season series, how many love interests are too many? And how many of those are multi-episode?
3. Tentacle sex (not tentacle porn or tentacle rape. See a different quiz for that): Bestiality or inter-species kink?
4. What is the fabric of your futuristic clothing?
5. Do you live in an action-based, character interaction-based, or social issue-based universe?
6. Are you on the side trying to subject all sentient life to a regimented existence determined by the upper powers or are you fighting for self-determination?
2. more than 1 multi-episode love interest per season is probably too many. there is no limit to the love interests that only last an episode (or half of an episode)
3. inter-species kink
4. either silk, spendex, or leather (each at least once a season but never at the same time)
5. can't i live in all those universes?
6. fighting for self-determination, but secretly in love with one of the leaders of the evil empire
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