Main (Dragon Sound Database HQ for Online Card Games) ::
Welcome! :D
Status: Hiatus
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worth 1
worth 2
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wishlist: aladdin, anastasia, the swan princess, prince of egypt, the little mermaid, the lion king, finding nemo, howl's castle, cinderella, sleeping beauty, beauty beast, pocahontas, princess frog, tarzan, layout 4, prejoin, 1000 cards, kero-chan, ariel, mufasa, layout1b, promiserose, ichigokurosaki, rukiakuchiki, tiana
worth 1
worth 2
vvv Card Log vvv
February 6 2011
= (10) Joined In Motion: aladdin12/14/17, corpsebride09, findingnemo17, forthebirds07, layout208, layout217, partlycloudy09, prejoin04 (+8 worth 1 cards-total 8, +2 worth 2 cards-total 2)
February 7 2011
= (13) Jackpot: 100decks18, theswanprincess08, kerochan08 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 10, +1 worth 2 cards-total 3)
= (15) Wrong Quote: victorvandort02, toystory06 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 12, +0 worth 2 cards-total 3)
= (17) Voice Talent: layout1d13, theirongiant12 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 14, +0 worth 2 cards-total 3)
= (19) Villains & Rivals: thelionking14, cinderella19 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 16, +0 worth 2 cards-total 3)
= (21) Synopsis: thejunglebook15, homersimpson02 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 18, +0 worth 2 cards-total 3)
= (23) Missing in Action: alice18, pikachussummer05, cspecial (+1 worth 1 cards-total 19, +1 worth 2 cards-total 4)
= (25) Around the World: shrek20, kerochan02, cregular (+1 worth 1 cards-total 20, +1 worth 2 cards-total 5)
= (27) Freebies: prejoin15, ninjaclash14, rregular (+2 worth 1 cards-total 22, +0 worth 2 cards-total 5)
= (28) Lottery: princeofegypt16 (+1 worth 1 cards-total 23, +0 worth 2 cards-total 5)
= (30) Lyric Amnesia: layout1a07, ninjaclash13 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 25, +0 worth 2 cards-total 5)
= (32) Music Memory: layout1c11, 1000cards11, cregular (+2 worth 1 cards-total 27, +0 worth 2 cards-total 5)
February 9 2011
= (33) my member card
February 13 2011
= (37) Site Update: enchantedxmas20, ariel14, setokaiba07, nectarpoints08 (+3 worth 1 cards-total 30, +1 worth 2 cards-total 6)
= (39) Wrong Quote: cinderella18, wonderland01 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 32, +0 worth 2 cards-total 6)
= (41) Villains & Rivals: mowgli18, mufasa14 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 34, +0 worth 2 cards-total 6)
= (43) Synopsis: walle14, spongebob03 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 36, +0 worth 2 cards-total 6)
= Survey: cregular, rregular
= (47) Pick a Thief: layout1b14, spirit05, promiserose06, prejoin15 (+4 worth 1 cards-total 40, +0 worth 2 cards-total 6)
= (49) Behind the Movie: cregular, drfacilier15, walle12 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 42, +0 worth 2 cards-total 6)
= (52) Jackpot: anastasia20, ichigokurosaki13, monstersbloopers05 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 44, +1 worth 2 cards-total 7)
= (54) Fashion Disaster: woody06, christmas1019 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 46, +0 worth 2 cards-total 7)
= (56) Distorted Character: emperorsgroove07, emperorsgroove02 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 48, +0 worth 2 cards-total 7)
= (58) Card Puzzle: promiserose07, homersimpson11 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 50, +0 worth 2 cards-total 7)
= (60) Cap Confusion: princeofegypt02, thejunglebook13 (+2 worth 1 cards-total 52, +0 worth 2 cards-total 7)
February 14 2011
= Letter 8: rspecial, cregular
= (62) Letter 9: mf-sidekicks09, nectarpoints04 (+0 worth 1 cards-total 52, +2 worth 2 cards-total 9)
February 16 2011
= (67) Site Update: wererabbit11, rukiakuchiki11, uchihasasuke11, tiana11, valentines1111 (+5 worth 1 cards-total 57, +0 worth 2 cards-total 9)
February 19 2011
= (69) Letter 3: setokaiba20, partlycloudy03 (+1 worth 1 cards-total 58, +1 worth 2 cards-total 10)
February 21 2011
= (71) Freebies: simba05, theswanprincess18, rregular (+2 worth 1 cards-total 60, +0 worth 2 cards-total 10)
February 22 2011
= Survey: cregular, rregular
March 24 2011
= Site Update: cregular
vvv Trade Log vvv
= (4) Trade with Elizabeth: uchihasasuke11, walle12/14, and member card for findingnemo03, findingnemo19, ichigokurosaki16, and member card
vvv Stats vvv
Total Cards: 72
Worth 1 Cards: 60
Worth 2 Cards: 10
Member Cards: 2
Card Worth: 80
Completed Trades: 4