Ryune's Completed Stamp Cards for Shout It Out Loud

Jan 24, 2011 19:27

:: Main (Dragon Sound Database HQ for Online Card Games) ::
:: For 5"x7.5" :: For Shout It Out Loud :: For CLAMPaign :: For Reverie :: For Sonzai :: For Starshine ::

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[Stamp Card 1]

December 2 2010
= Trade (1): Traded with Ralene dualaurorawave30 and Ryune00 for openyourmind12 and Ralene00

December 3 2010
= Trade (2): Traded with Yujing mywill06 and Ryune00 for diveintoshine24 and Yujing00
= Trade (9): Traded with Rahenna venuspower04, jupiterpower26, marspower17, throneofyord12, marspower08, geileldozamath07, geileldozamath04, and Ryune00 for bemyangel08, bemyangel26, bymyangel28, kokoronotamago20, kokoronotamago23, jealousy20, openyourmind27, and Rahenna00

December 4 2010
= Trade (10): Traded with Ralene dualaurorawave23 and Ryune01 for jealousy04 and Ralene01

December 5 2010
= Trade (13): Traded with Chii mewstrawberry26, innocentstarter12, mewmint23, and Ryune00 for bemyangel05, diveintoshin18, jeanne18, and Chii00

December 6 2010
= Trade (14): Traded with Chii cureberry30 and Ryune01 for bemyangel20 and Chii01
= Trade (15): Traded with Yujing takeitshakeit08 and Ryune01 for sailorsenshi09 and Yujing01
= Trade (16): Traded with Lola tokiwokoete10 and Ryune00 for openyourmind06 and Lola00
= Trade (17): Traded with Nejana yuzurenainegai30 and Ryune00 for bemyangel19 and Nejana00
= Trade (20): Traded with Mina amuletspade04, throneofyord01, tuxedokamen30, and Ryune00 for bemyangel06, bemyangel14, bemyangel21, and Mina00

[Stamp Card 2]

December 13 2010
= Trade (1): Traded with Shawnna kokoronotamago01 and Ryune00 for bemyangel07 and Shawnna00
= Trade (4): Traded with Chii curepassion30, innocentstarter06, mewzakuro27, and Ryune02 for bemyangel17, bemyangel25, holdmetight12, and Chii02
= Trade (6): Traded with Joey curepine30, curepeach22, and Ryune00 for bemyangel27, holdmetight14, and Joey00
= Trade (7): Traded with Fumei bemyangel06 and Ryune00 for holdmetight13 and Fumei00

December 14 2010
= Trade (8): Traded with Rizu truelight08 and Ryune 00 for bemyangel10 and Rizu00
= Trade (9): Traded with Kearin geileldozamath11 and Ryune00 for bemyangel11 and Kearin00
= Trade (10): Traded with Rizu rejection14 and Ryune01 for tobirawoakete09 and Rizu01
= Trade (12): Traded with Rahenna morningofprayer27, jupiterpower30, and Ryune01 for bemyangel01, holdmetight18, and Rahenna01

December 16 2010
= Trade (15): Trade with Sakura morningofprayer17, princeyukifanclub03, throneofyord23, and Ryune00 for tuxedokamen07, diveintoshine05, hishokunosora06, and Sakura00

December 17 2010
= Trade (16): Traded with Aelyria mywill04 and Ryune00 for holdmetight07 and Aelyria00
= Trade (17): Traded with Yujing chibimoonprism21 and Ryune02 for holdmetight09 and Yujing02

December 19 2010
= Trade (18): Traded with Yujing takeitshakeit20 for infullblossom08

December 21 2010
= Trade (20): Traded with Lola notashoplifter30, simplybitten30, and Ryune01 for its18, openyourmind11, and Lola01

[Stamp Card 3]

December 21 2010
= Trade (5): Traded with Lola fancylala30, inthetrees30, lalala30, mercurypower05, and notashoplifter03 for blaze13, diveintoshine01, hishokunosora20, infullblossom18, and its16
= Trade (7): Traded with Yujing kiminitodoke30 and mywill21 for goodbyemeiling08 and goodbyemeiling23
= Trade (11): Traded with Bunny followyou30, mysteriousplay30, luckystar13, pretefire30, and Ryune00 for infullblossom02, its06, jealousy06, jealousy17 and Bunny00
= Trade (13): Traded with Chii kokoronotamago12 and mysweetheart21 for bemyangel13 and holdmetight25

December 22 2010
= Trade (15): Traded with Ralene fullthrottlegogo01, fullthrottlegogo30, and Ryune02 for holdmetight10, holdmetight15, and Ralene02
= Trade (16): Traded with Mia marspower21 and Ryune00 for holdmetight26 and Mia00

January 7 2011
= Trade (20): Traded with Senren mewlettuce01, mewlettuce04, mewlettuce12, and mewlettuce23
for miracleromance17, miracleromance29, openyourmind17, and openyourmind29

[Stamp Card 4]

January 7 2011
= (1) Trade with Senren: revolutionarygirl30 and Ryune00 for its22 and Senren00
= (1) Trade with Chii: alrighthcprecure24 for holdmetight05
= (3) Trade with Senren: mewlettuce03, mewlettuce20, mewpudding03, and Ryune01 for being02, being12, hishokunosora18, and Senren01
= (1) Trade with Wing: morninggrace28 and Ryune00 for holdmetight24 and Wing00

January 14 2011
= (9) Trade with Bunny: followyou28, preteice29, rinburevolution18, throneofyord18/26/29, whitedestiny01, rose10, moonlightlegend19, and Ryune01 for tuxedokamen10/16/21, takeitshakeit14, truelight06/27, radishtorose29, dreamstar12, being01, and Bunny01
= (5) Trade with Fumei: kokoronotamago10, kokoronotamago20, kokoronotamago23, kokoronotamago29, christmas201030, and Fumei01 for takeitshakeit04/05/12/15, openyourmind23, and Ryune01

[Stamp Card 5]

January 14 2011
= (3) Trade with Fumei: rejection16, kokoronotamago01, kokoronotamago07, and Fumei01 for inori21/22/26, and Ryune01
= (1) Trade with Sakura: sainttail02 and Ryune01 for jealousy15 and Sakura01
= (1) Trade with Senren: revolutionarygirl06 and Senren02 for jealousy19 and Ryune02
= (1) Trade with Akaya: jeanne06 and Ryune00 for tuxedokamen28 and Akaya00
= (8) Trade with Elizabeth: curemint30, curepassion13/17, weddingwars26/30, grandopening01/26/30, and Ryune00 for smilegogo20, tuxedokamen05, thedarkandthelight25, amuletclover12, amuletspade14, blaze16/20, catchyoucatchme19, and Elizabeth00
= (2) Trade with Kairi: innocentstarter09/23, and Ryune00 for inori05, tsubasachronicle25, and Kairi00
= (4) Trade with SasuraUchiha: ojamajocarnival01/12/14/19 and Ryune00 for mywill23, radishtorose01, inyourarms06/14, and SasuraUchiha00

[Stamp Card 6]

January 14 2011
= (7) Trade with Hotaru: luckystar24, ninasakura04/12/27, prejoin10/25/26, and Ryune00 for dualaurorawave07, tuxedokamen03/04, determination12, dreamstar28, radishtorose12, noshoposter09, and Hotaru00

January 16 2011
= (6) Trade with Umi: battledoll23/30, pieceoflove12, mysteriousplay03, thepretear19/22, and Ryune00 for diveintoshine09, inori04/08/09/23, truelight24, and Umi00

January 18 2011
= (1) Trade with Umi: firesoul05 and Ryune01 for mysweetheart30 and Umi01
= (2) Trade with Yujing: wish27 and purachina12 for noshoposter23 and determination11

January 19 2011
= (4) Trade with Yujing: tuxedokamen05, tuxedokamen07, tuxedokamen10, tuxedokamen21 for determination30, dreamstar07/11, radishtorose16

[Stamp Card 7]

January 19 2011
= (7) Trade with Yujing: tobirawoakete05/06/09/15/17/24/25 for venuspower14/17/20/25/26, openyourmind26, mewzakuro03
= (13) Trade with Mia: alice30, cureberry10, firesoul09, morninggrace13, ninasakura01, mercurypower15, pastelink30, sovereignofsilence30, talismanbattle14, uranusplanet04, worldshaking19, worldshaking23, worldshaking30, and Ryune01 for inori18, being16, infullblossom14, innocentstarter07, inyourarms08, kinjiraretaasobi30, mysweetheart25, morningofprayer17, shiawasenoiro06, shiawasenoiro10, shiawasenoiro16, yumemiruaitenshi03, yumemiruaitenshi05, and Mia01

[Stamp Card 8]

January 19 2011
= (3) Trade with Bunny: hitonotameni15, ileasumlaude14, whitedestiny09, and Ryune02 for my inori29, openyourmind22, takeitshakeit03, and Bunny02
= (8) Trade with Aisu: mermaids30, mewmint25, mewmint26, wakeupangel04, yakusokunobashoe07, curedream09, curedream15, curedream30, and Ryune00 for unlockedbox28, takeitshakeit11, openyourmind05/08, radishtorose25, moonprism01, blacklynx22/28, and Aisu00
= (8) Trade with Yujing: mysecret30, myhero02, sealingthehope17, valentinechocolates30, myselene30, and ashitanouta09/12/16 for radishtorose04, amuletheart29, blacklynx03, moonprism17, tuxedokamen07, and shiawasenoiro11/12/13

January 23 2011
= (1) Trade with Rahenna: happydays22 and Ryune02 for mysweetheart30 and Rahenna02

[Stamp Card 9]

January 23 2011
= (1) Trade with Rahenna: happydays30 for amuletheart28

January 24 2011
= (1) Trade with Senren: kaitoujeanne08 for venuspower23
= (6) Trade with Senren: unbreakable29/30, shiningdays29/30, soramimicake29/30 for unlockedbox30, amuletheart04, hishokunosora02, mywill13, and yumemiriaitenshi06/09

January 26 2011
= (4) Trade with Kearin: determination18, inori13, yuzurenainegai06/20, and Ryune01 for brilliantsmile10/28, celestialmaiden06/26, and Kearin01
= (1) Trade with Sakura: letmebewithyou12 and Ryune02 for amuletheart23 and Sakura02

January 27 2011
= (7) Trade with Aelyria: celestialmaiden22, rayearth04/30, sabaospray16, sovereignofsilence10, thefifthdoll05/28, and Ryune01 for determination02, goodbyemeiling16/21, innocentstarter02/09, yokan03/20, and Aelyria01

[Stamp Card 10]

January 27 2011
= (3) Trade with Aelyria: deepsubmerge27, jupiterpower15/27 for openyourmind02, radishtorose23, shiawasenoiro02

January 29 2011
= (5) Trade with Yujing: promise29/30, yokan03/29/30 for unlockedbox13/16/24, radishtorose26, determination21

February 2 2011
= (1) Trade with Mia: moonlightlegend30 and Ryune02 for shiawasenoiro08 and Mia02

February 3 2011
= (9) Trade with Chii: hikaritokage30, mewzakuro03/21/26, miracleromance13/17/21, and innocentstarter04/07 for determination21, dreamstar29, noshoposter12, unlockedbox23, inyourarms17/27/29, jealousy07, and itsraining27

February 4 2011
= (2) Senren02, Yujing02

[Stamp Card 11]

February 4 2011
= (20) Aelyria00, Aisu00, Akaya00, Bunny00, Chii00, Elizabeth00, Fumei00, Hotaru00, Joey00, Kairi00, Kearin00, Lola00, Mia00, Mina00, Nejana00, Rahenna00, Ralene00, Rizu00, Sakura00, SasuraUchiha00

[Stamp Card 12]

February 4 2011
= (20) Senren00, Shawnna00, Umi00, Wing00, Yujing00, Aelyria01, Bunny01, Chii01, Fumei01, Kearin01, Lola01, Mia01, Rahenna01, Ralene01, Rizu01, Sakura01, Senren01, Umi01, Yujing01, Sakura02

[Stamp Card 13]

February 4 2011
= (5) Bunny02, Chii02, Mia02, Rahenna02, Ralene02
= (10) Trade with Senren: shiningdays27, soramimicake07, alrighthcprecure02/17, ashitanouta22, attheball16, mewmint14/15, pieceoflove27, and Ryune03 for dreamstar01, radishtorose15, openyourmind13, shiawasenoiro04/17/29, innocentstarter13/15/28, and Senren03
= (3) Trade with Aelyria: crescentbeam19, thefifthdoll16, and Ryune02 for ojamajodebanban18, noshoposter16, and Aelyria02

February 5 2011
= (2) Trade with Fumei: chocolatenimuchuu22 and Ryune02 for dreamstar25 and Fumei02

[Stamp Card 14]

February 8 2011
= (16) Trade with Chii: moonprincess29, blaze30, pantyandstocking01, myhero28, curelemonade01, curelemonade30, curepine02, curepine17, happytinkle29, happytinkle30, koiwaalamode01, lightningrose09, lightningrose29, lightningrose30, lyricalnanoha30, and Ryune03 for amuletheart14, amuletheart21, blacklynx13, tuxedokamen13, tuxedokamen14, venuspower07, truelight28, throneofyord01, throneofyord21, relaxing20, relaxing21, purachina22, purachina25, pieceoflove17, pieceoflove22, and Chii03
= (4) Trade with Bunny: fireoflove09, ileasumlaude28, preteice02, and Ryune03 for openyourmind14, shiawasenoiro30, tuxedokamen05, and Bunny03

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