Make it Home Again

Dec 30, 2004 00:35

It's been a while since I was pulled into a dream such as this, several months I would think so. I had first believed that they, my counterparts, that is to say, simply had nothing to say to me, or were too occupied with their own affairs. Truthfully, I didn't want to talk to them so much either. But I was here now, didn't really matter, so much.

My tired lids lifted, and from then, I took the moment to examine the scenery that surrounded me. I stood amidst an endless field of unfamiliar pink and white petals and blossoms....which wouldn't have appeared abnormal if the flowers were yellow instead, as they normally were. And the sky was no longer kaleidoscopic, but a very deep blue instead. Clear-blue. I watched it, curiously, with my one good eye. A wisp of florescent light passed before my vision for a split-second and I visibly flinched before it. I eased myself, fully expecting one of my counterparts to greet me, as they always did, but there before me, stood, much to my surprise......a figure...

Just a figure.

He stood but a few yards away, glowing purest white and soft gold as some legendary figure one would find in picture books or fairytales. I could not see his, or whoever's face...but that did not seem to stop the sudden and foreign warmth spreading through my chest. I unconsciously gasped upon this feeling. I could feel the air of anxiety and sorrow, the one that hung over my head for the longest time, slowly melt away, just by staring at this brilliant figure before me, and suddenly I felt...surprisingly light, and so very free.

His body seemed to quiver, from where I stood, as if unsure what to do next, and he turned to face away, gazing up at the clear-blue sky in the same fashion I had earliar. And he ran.

I stood speechless there for a minute. But somehow...I was meant to see what it was. I was sure of it. Overcoming blood and wound and skin, my legs unbuckled and I moved shakily, awakening silken petals and blossoms from their solitary slumber as I pursued the luminous figure. I felt a sudden strength building, coursing through my veins, and with my newfound strength, I ran faster. I could feel the bandages, so carefully wound around my body, no matter how tightly wrapped, peel free of their bounds and carefully loosen, just enough to catch hold of the wind wildly passing through my hair. They broke away easily. I watched them over my shoulder for a moment, following them with both my eyes now as they flew away and vanished within the distance, but I continued running, faster and faster still.

It was then that I noticed the soft trails of light left behind from his if he were somehow spreading his own vibrant essence upon the petal-laden field, even if for just a brief moment. My interests heightened, and despite my own pain and weariness, I strained myself to run faster.

Another wisp of bright florescent gold flashed before my eyes, and it was then did the figure suddenly vanish before me...but I did not stop running, somehow caught up in the sudden thrill and adrenaline of this mindless chase. The leverage from beneath my feet began to lessen, I felt, and soon the ground simply gave way all together. Not a scream or a cry escaped my lips, but I believe I started crying, for I could feel the gentle traces of tears touching my lashes as I closed my eyes. I reached amidst the array of falling petals and blossoms, outstretching both my arms heavenwards mechanically, and I think I could feel something but a wisp away from my fingertips; some sort of substance, and whatever it may have been, I reached further, straining to push away from the gravity acting upon me until the something was but a casual arms-reach away. I drew the figure into my embrace instantly, so tightly that even the Gods would not be able to pry such a vice away, and though my eyes were closed, my mind seemed to generate an image of seraphic luminescence and angelic security.

The cold made contact with my back first, and then spread its chilly embrace round the rest of my body, but tighter still did I cling to the figure within my arms, should it even decide to vanish before my lidded eyes. And for a moment, the cold didn't feel so cold after-all. In fact, it felt quite warm. I managed to loosen the nerves and knots within my body, testing to see if the object would attempt to make an escape, but it didn't. I wondered if it were safe enough to open my eyes again, should I find this spectral-image to mutate suddenly into the sort of image that would leave a child crying in the middle of the night, but somewhere between the warmth and the release, it didn't seem like such a thing would happen. Not now.

I don't think my keeper doubted it either.

I reached the surface of the water the moment I opened my eyes, desperately gasping for air and never once feeling the cold water around me. Perhaps it was because I was numb, but that's just an excuse, and nothing more. I simply floated there for a moment, breathing deeply, though I did not take the time to allow my vision to unblur. I paddled, or rather, flailed, swimming towards the blurs and blotches of color that would obviously mean land.

I stumbled my way upon the beachline as I reached it, wadding out of the shallow water. I collapsed upon the shore once, scratching the base of my chin, and then collapsed once more when I tried to regain my balance. By the time I reached the grass, I had collapsed nine times, and then a tenth time upon the sod.

From my position upon the ground, I noticed the amount of foreign feet surrounding my fallen form, and then the foreign arms and the foreign hands grabbing at my limbs to provide assistance. I shook them away briskly, forcing my arms away from their seeking hands. I heaved myself upon my hands and knees, crawled away from the murmers around me, and then forced myself back upon my feet, dangerously swaying to and fro. My gaze remained fixed firmly upon the ground, and I simply stood there for several minutes, panting deeply as I arched forward from this fit of weariness. They moved to provide balance again, murmuring thoughts of concern outloud, and once more did I reject them, breaking away from their insistent cloud.

I could do it myself. This was my calling.

I pushed myself up once again, spine straightening once I had determined that the crowd was no longer following me, allowing this foreign world to take me in, all of me, in its whole. I breathed a single sigh, and for a moment, I felt a bit of consciousness, memory, passing through my mind. A bit of lost thought, and suddenly I felt so home.

(( =____=;;;;; This entry was SOOO hard to write because I had to use so many uncommon words or similes or metaphors or euphemisms to get the right effect out. *rips out her hair* T___T

Anyway, what's supposed to be happening is that Ryukia is having a dream (emphasized with the italic font). In her dream, she's in a flower field, and she sees a figure, who begins to run away. She chases after it, and her bandages start to peel away and eventually catch onto the breeze and fall off completely. She continues running, and then finds out...she ran off a cliff. She closes her eyes and instinctively reaches out for something to grab onto, and actually finds something. She holds it close, and falls into the water. However, even if she's dreaming, she's still active in the conscious-world. Specifically, she swam all the way to Amatsu, which will explain why she's wet and exhausted as she reaches the shore.

Forgive me if some of the language is really confusing, but that's how it's supposed to be. If it's not confusing, then I've failed -o-;;;

I don't know when I'll be able to finish this story. For now, I'll have to wait. ))
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