Jan 23, 2006 01:47
Money: Corruption
Love: Dangerous but I need it so bad
Relationships: With the right person it can be a joy
Your last ex: No comment
Power: Absolute power corrupts absolute
Marijuana: Good times. ehehehehehe
Crack: Bad stuff
Food: Essential for a human to live
The President: It's not an easy job. You all try to do it.
War: Low point in human society
Cars: 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix
Gas Prices: Not as bad as they where predicting
Gym: Never took the class
Politics: EVIL!
Religion: Causes wars
Plastic: Amazing material
MySpace: Viruses I hear
Fear: Leads to Anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate...leads to suffering
Marriage: If the right woman shows up, anything is possible
Fashion: Don't care
brunettes: Hot stuff
Redheads: Cuties
Work: Boring
Pass the time: Counter Strike
Football: Rough and tough sport
One night stands: Happened once
Pete peeve: No comment
Pixie Stix: Should be banned
Vanilla ice cream: It's all right. Now chocolate ice cream!!!
porta potties: I'd rather go in a bush
High School: I wish I could do it again knowing what I know now
Christ: Who knows
Pajamas: I sleep with a shirt on only
Wood: hehehehehehehehe...wood
Surfers: DUDE!!!
Pictures: SMILE!