20random things about me

Jan 21, 2008 05:20

So I was going through some old files on my computer and I found this, not even sure when I wrote it but anyway:

1. I hate far-weather fans
2. I have an under bite, because the dentist didn't know what he was doing when he put on my brasses
3. Math was my favorite best subject in High School, but I cant get out of math 305 at COM
4. I love just about all music, I couldn't tell you the names of more then a hand full of the bands though
5. I quit school 3times because of a video game addiction
6. I'm still a virgin, in all aspects of the word, not waiting till marriage, just the right one
7. I Started Smoking mary jane when I was 20
8. I started Drinking about 2months before New Year (6months before my 21st Birthday)
9. I use to goto church then I was told that god didn't love me so I haven't been back since
10. Some of my friends, I don't think I could trust them as far as I could throw them
11. I can normally see when 1person likes another person, but when it come to someone liking me, Im blind
12. I can't dance, even though I try sometimes
13. Being in a band would be great, if I could sing, play an instrument or something
14. I love hanging out with all of my friends
15. but, when we make plans and something happens and we cant do them(the plans in question) I hate it when I don't hear from them
16. Writing 20 random facts about myself is REALLY HARD..!
17. I have a tendency to lie, even when its not something important
18. I'm afraid of heights but I want to go skydiving before I die
19. Halloween has to be my favorite holiday...but this year will be the first time I've done anything for it since I was little
20. I fell in love with a girl when I was in 10th grade, and I'm still in love with her..but I don't want to ruin anything I have with her
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