That photos is in a selection set from my RnRII trip to Fukuoka in 2009 (there is a lurid one of the hakata basin lit up at night!) which is on public view here if you are interested to see (there is one of kumamoto castle as well):
Writing this to you has made me want to take another holiday in Japan! I have not been since seeing G in Osaka in nemuri kyoshiro in 2010 - an absence of 4 years. I don't think G will have missed me though ha ha
You managed to see a lot of Fukuoka in 1 day! I am impressed by your energy after 7 hours on a train.
Yes, Kyushu is interesting - definitely kumamoto castle that you mention but also in kumamoto please visit the Suizenji 17thC strolling garden with its miniature landscapes of Japan. Here is one of my photos from the garden:
That photos is in a selection set from my RnRII trip to Fukuoka in 2009 (there is a lurid one of the hakata basin lit up at night!) which is on public view here if you are interested to see (there is one of kumamoto castle as well):
Writing this to you has made me want to take another holiday in Japan! I have not been since seeing G in Osaka in nemuri kyoshiro in 2010 - an absence of 4 years. I don't think G will have missed me though ha ha
Your album is great! You've managed to visit so many wonderful places during your trip *_* That's great.
Well, maybe the last visualive is a good reason to go to Japan again? ^^
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