[music|Atomic M.O.M - hide]
Picature spam! Omg yay!
Teh Sultan: You know you all love him. He is your God. Understood? *huggles kitty* Mah Kitty!
Teh Sultan v2.0: Take note of the Bundaberg Rum and Cola can on the side table. Also take note, it is not mine. My brother made that table when he was 13...
Fairies: I remember a long time ago I mentioned to Ethan that I had glow-in-the dark fairies on my ceiling above my bed. Here they are. This was taken in the dark...well, it was. Stupid flash. It looked cool all glowy and stuff.
My Hand: My freaky right hand. I also remember a conversation about my hands...so, here is one of them. My hands scare me.
Wow, I am so bored. It's 12:03am and no one is online. I'm really hyper again. Strawberry jam, you see. And nightmares. Now I can't sleep at all. I'm so bored. Someone talk to me...please?