From today on..21 MARCH 2008
I finally managed to drag my lazy ass to set the LJ setting tho friend lock.
If you think you would like to b my friend (coz i srsly have too many ppl popping out from nowhere)
I thank you & I'll consider adding you =D coz my LJ is really really boring & I don't participate in LJ comms regularly, so I'm 99.999% sure I won't be of much help to you if you need any.
I'm also a very newly reclusive fangirl after 2years?so I'm not active in the forums as well~ nor do I upload anymore podcasts of JE boys(sadly I think all my contacts for recording are lost)
This is gonna end up as my really private Journal.
For those that have been my friend since I joined
Thanks v much & HEHE yay u still can read my posts =D
to Kenny & Grace & all my Real Life friends
I'm sorry but just join LiveJournal then u can read ok?
I really dont feel comfy with every Tom, Dick & Harry(figure of speech) reading my happenings in my personal life.
If you are here to buy stuff from me, my selling LJ is
nuriko_kc_sellspls contact me via there. no longer active for the time being
chu~~ XD