You can guess what today is aren´t??
YES it´s Chinen-kuns tanjôbi
YEAH *clap clap*
So i make a little Pic Spam for him and his freinds!
But before a little Massage for him ~♥ :
Dear Chinen-kun now you are 17 years old and you become much cuter as the last year!
I hope you have a great Day and a very wonderful year! ~♥
And i know that we all love you Chinen like who you are!
And now the Pic Spam !! Dozô!
So Kawaii ~♥
One of my Favourite J-Drama Scrap Teacher because of him!
Wah soo cool!
I found this today in the net i never saw this hair style but it is super Kawaii! ~♥
What is this Pose Chinen??
So cute when he was little
His BIG IDOL Sathoshi Ohno and Chinen look he is so happy (≧▽≦)
Last but not Least 2 for me Hot Chinen Pics EVER!!!
This is the hottest!!!!
Soo this is the end of the long (ya it´s not long) Pic Spam.I hope you like the Pics.
Ya~ ne ~~♥