Shinigami Trio WebRadio #34 - “Let's hear it, Undertaker” Summary

Aug 04, 2011 23:21

This is a summary of what was said and done in the hilarious 34th broadcast of the Kuroshitsuji II Webradio "Phantom Party Night - A Midnight Masquerade". It features the lovely seiyuus for Grell Sutcliff (Fukuyama Jun), Ronald Knox (KENN), and William T. Spears (Sugiyama Noriaki). The Shinigami Trio hosted the final two broadcasts of the webradio - specially renamed as "Soul Conductor Beneath the Moon" for their sake. Here is the “Let's hear it, Undertaker” summary of the 34th broadcast. Please enjoy.

Kuroshitsuji II Webradio #34

In this corner, the radio host and guests will have to do “something” to make the Undertaker (a.k.a The Staff Members) laugh. Whoever brings the most laughs is the winner. Today, the Shinigami Trio must say one of William's lines while acting out a totally different character. For example: Sebby would have to read William's lines while trying to sound like Agni. Don't worry, I'm confused too. XD After learning of their difficult challenge, JunJun says, “Just what do they (the staff and listeners) think we are?!” LOL

While Sugiyama-san gets prepared to read William's line. Fukuyama-san comments that he gets really frustrated when he has to voice for apathetic characters. He is a type of person that loves to show emotion, so he has a hard time doing unresponsive and indifferent characters like William. After that, Sugiyama-san performs the line as normal William. Next, they all do the “Amidakuji (Drawing Lots)” to see which character they will have to act out. And they start singing the “Amidakuji” song while they're at it. KENN says, “Sorry people (the listeners), we're having fun without you.” LOL The results are: KENN as Grell, JunJun as Undertaker, and Non-tan as Druitt. JunJun wishes he had drawn Sebastian. That way, he could ruin the character in any way he pleases. LOL They play rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first. JunJun wins and he decides to go first. KENN will go second and Non-tan last.

JunJun starts with Undertaker's “Hihihi~” laugh. At the part where he's supposed to say “What have you come to scavenge this time, demon?”, he accidentally says, “What have you come to scavenge this year, demon?” XD He stumbles over another word before finishing up and whimpering, “I sounded like a weak old grandpa.” Sugiyama-san and KENN burst out laughing. They try to tell JunJun he did a good job, but it doesn't really help since they're still giggling. LOL
Next is KENN and his impersonation of Grell. He's a little nervous since the “real” Grell is sitting right in front of him, but he does a good job. I personally thought he sounded a bit like Viscount Druitt too. JunJun is impressed and says, “If you were the one who was voicing for Grell and I had to do the impersonation, I probably would've given up and gone home.” He was trying to give a compliment, but KENN starts apologizing for some reason and JunJun goes “???”. XD
Lastly, Sugiyama-san performed his version of the Viscount. I thought it was really amazing. He grasped the character very well. JunJun and KENN were really impressed as well. KENN is jealous that Non-tan can make his voice go so high. Since they all did such a good job with their impersonations, Fukuyama-san thinks that they should make another special OVA where the Kuroshitsuji characters switch personalities. I would love that too!

In the end, all three of them made “Undertaker” laugh, so they all get a special treat. CLICK HERE to see a picture of what they ate. It's called “Tamago Tappurin-kun”. Pudding in a eggshell-shaped container. JunJun misreads the name as “Tamago Tatsupurin-kun”. LOL At first, they thought they were being given raw eggs to eat. KENN thinks the eggshell container is really cute so he takes it home with him. He wants to put little trinkets inside of it. X3 JunJun says, “You sound like someone who has a really clean house.” But KENN denies it and says he has a very hard time cleaning up after himself. He collects accessories and loves to organize them, but the rest of his house is pretty messy. JunJun says he is also the same way. He will spend almost 12 hours organizing his playing cards and games. Despite having that kind of concentration and determination, his room is a mess. XD

They continue to eat their yummy treat and finish up the corner.

summary, kuroshitsuji, translated, webradio

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