Dec 22, 2011 18:07
People get so worked up over such small changes. So we can't add subjects to comments anymore. Whatever. The most I've seen those things used for is to indicate the type of message being posted by characters in The Wake. Already players have just switched over to typing these "subjects" at the start of the comment. Easy solution. Not enough trouble to warrant flaming the lj designers.
(Of course, I'm of the opinion that flame messages are useless in almost any situation. Much more effective to lay out your complaints in a diplomatic, factual explanation, rather than immediately putting your target on the defensive with random insults. Honestly, that kind of behavior pisses me off no matter which side I'm on. It's just so unnecessary and.... I'm ranting.)
Anyway, I actually like what they did with userpics. There were plenty of times I wished I could actually view my pics while choosing one for a comment.
Now, the conceptual future layout I've seen is a different story...
Hopefully they make it optional.
internet junk