Dec 21, 2005 00:04
Some people say "scr-emo." I say <3. Anyways, played badminton with Bill and Carolyn today-- pretty fun.
My dog Belle loves bells.
Today for my 20 multiple choice questions I put "T H I S I S M Y S T A T E M E N T .," and I got lucky number 13 correct (the "A" in "STATEMENT"). Interesting, no? I'm a martyr in that class for bringing down the class average. Hell I'm a martyr in Mission trying to bring down the whole fuckin system and mindset.
You know what the problem is around here? Too many rich people. Yeah I know you're going to say that why the hell am I talking.. look at your house, Ryan. Well I've been almost completely financially independent for a while now. I work for what I have.
Movie hopping tomorow.. anyone? I want to see KONG.
My lips are cold.
The truth is told.