CLASSES FOR WOMEN.... Training courses are now available for women on the following subjects:
Topic 1. Silence, the Final Frontier:
Where No Woman Has Gone Before
Topic 2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking:
Making Deposits
Topic 3. Parties:
Going Without New Outfits
Topic 4. Bathroom Etiquette:
Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
Topic 5. Communication Skills I:
Tears - The Last Resort, not the First
Topic 6. Communication Skills II:
Getting What you Want Without Nagging
Topic 7. Driving a Car Safely:
A Skill You CAN Acquire
Topic 8. Telephone Skills:
How to Hang Up
Topic 9. Classic Footwear:
Wearing Shoes You Already Have
Topic 10. Oil and Petrol:
Your Car Needs Both
Evening classes for men. Starting this month!
Note: due to the complexity and level of difficulty of their contents, each course will accept a maximum of eight participants each.
Topic 1. How to fill ice-cube trays.
Step by step with slide presentation.
Topic 2. Toilet paper rolls: do they grow on the holders?
Round-table discussion.
Topic 3. Differences between the laundry basket and the floor.
Pictures and explanatory graphics.
Topic 4 . Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming.
Open forum.
Topic 5 . Health watch: bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health.
Graphics and audio tape.
Topic 6 . Real men ask for directions when lost.
Real-life testimonials.
Topic 7 . Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel parks?
Driving simulation.
Topic 8 . Learning to live: basic differences between mother and wife.
Online class and role playing.
Topic 9 . How to be the ideal shopping companion.
Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques.
Topic 10 . How to fight cerebral atrophy: remembering birthdays, anniversaries, other important dates and calling when you're going to be late.
Cerebral shock therapy sessions