Ah, the joys of another update.

Apr 25, 2005 21:33

Ah, how good it feels to finally have the time to sit down, not be all depressed, and write a nice, heartfelt entry. The simple pleasures in life sure are nice, aren't they? Ah, but enough of that stuhff, let's get down to business. Choir Tour '05 will be 5 days that I will never forget. Caleb and I had the best time hanging with all sorts of people, and I even found myself hanging out with people I wouldn't hang out with normally at school, which was pretty nice. Oh, but the memories I have.

Caleb: "Ryan, I found a perfect ten...or as close to one as humanly possible"
Me: "No way, where?!?!"
Caleb: "Right there!! See?!?!"
*I turn and look, and walk right into a pole*
and then later, in the parking lot
Caleb "I know a good one when I see one!"

Then, the collaboration process to decide a "Choir Tour 05 song", oh, that took us awhile. Then running all over D.C. with people like Jamie and Kellie, Liz, Gretta, Greg, Cassie the freshman, Tim, and Caleb. So many good times, and so many good pictures. Dominican Republic, eat your heart out. :P

Choir Tour gave me a much needed mental boost, which kept me for a while, a long while actually, but now I'm coastin on pure awesomeness. It's "bout time, bout time." "Git er DUN", "Grease and Beans and...Cherries? How does that work?"

Anyway, enough of that nostalgia stuff, I'm sure you guys don't want to hear it. So yea, now that school's back, gettin back into the old routine, you know, tryin to stay upbeat, but you know, things had to change in order for me to stay upbeat. Over tour, I was able to pinpoint what the heck was goin on, and I fixed it all up. Which, I think I need another "bout time" for this one. And, thanks to the sweet host I had along with Cush and Colby, I have a nice pair of running shorts and A University of Carolina tee shirt.

Oh shoot, I'm talking about tour again. Sorry, it was just...like...awesome. Almost as awesome as that cold night in November...OH I MEAN...UM....heh...

HANYWAY. On with the update. I've noticed that I really haven't updated in...forever. I have become so busy, I'm so sorry. Why am I apologizing? It's my livejournal! I should update it when I'm good and ready!!! And that time is now. SHOOT. I have a Christian Life test tomorrow.
And an algebra test WEdnesday.
And English Due.
ANd...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...too much stuff!!! I'm overwhelmed.

Ok, I'm sorry about the lackluster update, I got distracted and, whatever. I hope I didn't upset you too much.
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