^_^ Enjoy, but it's got some sad parts in it.
????: Kiyoshi! You are so dead if you leave me
hanging one more time! You could have at LEAST
called to tell me you'd be late! Don't go saying
you weren't near a phone either! I mean it!
Kiyoshi: I'm sorry, Caliya, things came up! I won't
use that phone excuse today, even though it was true..
Caliya: Do you have any idea how hard it is to do all
of this by myself? This is why I hired you, you know,
other than your love of animals, it's just too hard to
do it alone!
Kiyoshi: I know.. I...
Caliya: !?!
Kiyo: !?
?????: PLEASE! Kitty needs your help *sniff*
Caliya: I'll need to see your method of payment,
insurance, CC or something..
?????: But...but I don't have any...
Caliya: Then I can't help you.
?????: !?!?!!
Kiyoshi: Wait.. I'll pay for it.
Caliya: Are you crazy?! You don't have
enough money to cover her, unless you
want to work for me for free for 2 weeks!
Kiyoshi: I'll do it.
Caliya: You're insane! How will you get by!?
Kiyoshi: Don't worry. This place is about
saving the animals anyway, isn't it? I know
you're saving up for something, but you can't
sacrifice the animals for it!
~A few moments later~
Caliya: This'll probably hurt.. but just a bit..
Cat: Meoww...
?????: Will Kitty be okay?
Caliya: It's hard to say.. she really
doesn't look good. All we can do now is
wait and see if the medicine helps..
?????: *worry*
Paolo: Why does Maki always have to be like this..
Always so distrusting.. so investigative...
Maki: Yes, Hunter, she told me you knew, but I can't
just believe her after how many times she's run away..
Right..hear her out.. ok, I will. Tell you? You mean
you really have no clue why she's wanted to talk to me?
Oh great. Alright. I'll do my best.
Lolikei: Kiyoshi, you are such a good guy.. *watched
him at work*
Raito: So you have a new love interest then?
Lolikei: Raito! No, I..
Raito: I'd be more than happy for you if you did.
And by the way, Lolikei, I hate to bring you bad
news, since you are my little sister, but I have to.
You have two choices, so choose wisely.
Raito: I won't have any say so this time, so...
Lolikei: Yes, I know. This is my last chance.
Lolikei: Or I'll be sealed away forever..
~Fin! :O