Jeeeez, it's been forever, hasn't it? Well thanks to one of our newest members and newest Rysten fan,
shikabane_mai, I have been pulled back into the land of Rysten -- hopefully long enough to post a fic or two and a new mix!!
I can't even begin to explain where the idea for this fic came from; it's definitely an AU, set toward the end of season three but pre-Graduates. It's pretty damned angsty, but I hope you'll enjoy it. It's based on the Sick Puppies song "All the Same," which I've included a download for in the fic post.
I originally wanted this to be a piece about Ryan getting sick of Kirsten going back and forth between him and Sandy, and forcing her to choose. But, somehow it turned into something else. I really like how it turned out and hopefully you will too!
As always, I'd love to get your thoughts on this newest work! And I really hope to finish some of my unfinished Rysten fics soon. ♥
TITLE: All the Same
PAIRING: Ryan/Kirsten
SPOILERS: Through late season three, AU
RATING: R for language
Go ahead say it - you're leaving; you'll just come back running, holding your scarred heart in hand -- it's all the same.