Pajudėjo: Bank Of America Repays $45 Billion

Dec 10, 2009 04:36

NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Bank of America Corp. (BAC) has paid back its $45 billion in TARP funds, marking an official end to the Charlotte bank's most chaotic chapter, in which it counted the U.S. government as a reluctant and hard-nosed investor.

"We owe taxpayers our thanks for making these funds available to the nation's financial system and to our company during a very difficult time," said outgoing Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis, in a statement.

The federal government first injected capital into Bank of America as part of its initial rescue of the entire financial system last year through the Troubled Asset Relief Program; subsequently, it rushed in again to save the bank as it started to crumble under its crisis-hour purchase of Wall Street titan Merrill Lynch & Co.

Lewis may be less grateful behind closed doors. The bank's final bill for the government's investment: About $2.7 billion in cash dividends, a difficult and enduring search for a new CEO, and an unquantifiable hit to its reputation.

Dabar klausimėlis: FED šitus grynuosius išims iš apyvartos (kaip buvo kalbama prieš suteikiant paramą, o iš esmės - paleidžians spausdinimo mašinėlę) ar tyliai dėl kokio motyvo paleis rinkose plaukioti toliau?

bankai, jav, pasaulis, krizė

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