Paslaptingi "Dujotekanos" PR-manevrai

Jul 23, 2009 14:31

Tiesą sakant, buvau truputį nustebęs, kai vieno iš trijų didžiausių JAV televizijos tinklų - FOX - interneto verslo naujienų svetainėje radau viešųjų ryšių pranešimą apie dujų prekybos bendrovės Dujotekana (apie ją ypač dažnai buvo kalbama praėjusios kadencijos Seime: "Gazprom pinigų plovykla", "A.Januškos sponsoriai", etc., etc.) susitikimą su JAV ( Read more... )

ekonomika, pr, energetika, politika

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I dalis ryst1966 July 23 2009, 12:35:17 UTC
Čia vienas bičiulis atsiuntė privačiai:

Doheny Global Group Manading director Irwin Katsof Irwin G. Katsof, businessman, educator and author, is a dynamic and driven individual. He might best be described as an outstanding successful serial entrepreneur.

Katsof is the Managing Director of Doheny Global Group ( and is responsible for the overall direction of the firm which is developing clean-energy ventures in the United States and Europe. In this capacity he makes use of his vast numbers of relationships with chairmen and chief executive officers of public and private companies, philanthropists, investment bankers, and institutional and private investors to benefit the clientele of the firm.

Katsof’s current endeavor is the culmination of a series of great strides he made over the past 25 years. In 1982, he moved from Jerusalem’s Old City to Los Angeles with his bride of 10 days, Judy, to establish what became a world-class model for Jewish adult educational programs. Among these was the cutting-edge “Twenty Something” seminar which was featured on the front-page of the Los Angeles Times View section and which has been copied around the globe. In 1992, he as ordained as a rabbi, and in 1994 organized the largest-ever international satellite broadcast in the Jewish world called “Help Our People Know,” to bring attention to the plight of Jews in the former Soviet Union who had been denied knowledge of their heritage under the communist regime. Vice President Al Gore, Simon Wiesenthal, Sumner Redstone and Jeffrey Katzenberg took part in the broadcast, which reached ten countries on four continents.

In 1995, Katsof founded the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah, and shortly thereafter relocated to New York with his wife Judy and eight children in tow. He served as its Executive Vice President until mid-2004 and thereafter as a Board Member. Katsof recruited countless senior mission participants for his high-level Jerusalem Fund executive missions to Israel and Jordan between 1996 and 2004, including Senators Orrin Hatch, John Kerry and Joe Biden, Secretary Tom Ridge, former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, past House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Senator Rudy Boschwitz, Lady Margaret Thatcher, former Secretary of Housing Henry Cisneros and Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick, as well as numerous top business leaders, among them National Semiconductors’ Brian Halla, Chairman of Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Barry Sternlicht, Starbucks’ Chairman Howard Schultz, and Coors Brewery Chairman Pete Coors. His creative, soft-spoken approach attracted many celebrities and business leaders to explore their Jewish roots. CNN’s Larry King, actors Kirk Douglas, Elliot Gould, Jason Alexander, Rod Steiger and William Shatner, as well as business magnates Metromedia Executive Vice President Stuart Subotnick, AOL Time Warner Investments President Len Leader, and Dean and DeLuca Chairman Les Rudd are among the many that Katsof inspired to get involved in Jerusalem Fund programs.

In 2001, Katsof assisted in the founding of “,” a fast-action, interactive website which alerts, informs and mobilizes grassroots activists via email to respond to unbalanced reporting on Israel and the Middle East. That same year, Katsof also launched “Words Can Heal,” a nationwide campaign to strengthen America through the power of words. As Executive Director, he oversaw the fastest and highest profile media launch of a non-profit organization ever. “Words Can Heal” was featured on over 100 national TV shows, including Oprah, Fox, CBS and ABC primetime news, as well as in 150 leading media outlets - among them the New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today - and in an exclusive National Press Club event hosted by Goldie Hawn and broadcast live on C-SPAN and NPR.


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