Dude, epic feedback. This is wonderful. It totally brightened my day.
I loved it. Not just this this, but you know that you wrote me fic. Thank you, baby. ::grins::
You're welcome. I really had fun, thinking about you and writing for you.
I love Maura's completely impractical practicalness here. Does that even make sense? I'm not sure, but I love it anyway. It's like if she can logic the situation out, she can make Jane be safe. And yet...furniture rearranging on the Titanic. Or so it seems. :)
Yes. I love the way you put that. Maura is completely astute and accurate and yet... still not helping.
I'm so, so glad you like my Castle voice. It wouldn't have worked without that. He's so babbly and overpowering that way. I kinda liiiike him.
Maybe I just secretly want you to write more Castle fic. Oops.
OMG secret revealed! You could only be more exposed if you put that on twitter!
How can his delusions be so charming and yet so far from reality, but earnest at the same time and yet not have the universe implode?
He's fictional. :D
This is hilarious in its own right, but me? I see a little Otalia. <3. Just let me have my delusions please. :)
Nah, there were definitely Otalia moments in there. Occasionally I was like, "Wait, watt" but here they are.
Hee you said "burnsauce." #winning.
>>"She'll keep quiet. She goes all hostage-y in hostage situations."<<
A very interesting and on point assessment of Maura. One that has led to the writing of many a kink fic.
Heh. But right? Maura has a zone. And she sure gets taken hostage a lot.
(Which I may have a thing for.)
Hehe. Okay, this? So awesome. Because their relationship is basically one big game of chicken. This time they both sorta wimped out but both sorta won. Draw!
Yeah. I didn't want either of them to lose. They have a great detente going right now. So much better than too much angst.
He has a secret sense of responsibility and she's a secret nerd. A match made in heaven...or at least tv.
I loved it. Not just this this, but you know that you wrote me fic. Thank you, baby. ::grins::
You're welcome. I really had fun, thinking about you and writing for you.
I love Maura's completely impractical practicalness here. Does that even make sense? I'm not sure, but I love it anyway. It's like if she can logic the situation out, she can make Jane be safe. And yet...furniture rearranging on the Titanic. Or so it seems. :)
Yes. I love the way you put that. Maura is completely astute and accurate and yet... still not helping.
I'm so, so glad you like my Castle voice. It wouldn't have worked without that. He's so babbly and overpowering that way. I kinda liiiike him.
Maybe I just secretly want you to write more Castle fic. Oops.
OMG secret revealed! You could only be more exposed if you put that on twitter!
How can his delusions be so charming and yet so far from reality, but earnest at the same time and yet not have the universe implode?
He's fictional. :D
This is hilarious in its own right, but me? I see a little Otalia. <3. Just let me have my delusions please. :)
Nah, there were definitely Otalia moments in there. Occasionally I was like, "Wait, watt" but here they are.
Hee you said "burnsauce." #winning.
>>"She'll keep quiet. She goes all hostage-y in hostage situations."<<
A very interesting and on point assessment of Maura. One that has led to the writing of many a kink fic.
Heh. But right? Maura has a zone. And she sure gets taken hostage a lot.
(Which I may have a thing for.)
Hehe. Okay, this? So awesome. Because their relationship is basically one big game of chicken. This time they both sorta wimped out but both sorta won. Draw!
Yeah. I didn't want either of them to lose. They have a great detente going right now. So much better than too much angst.
He has a secret sense of responsibility and she's a secret nerd. A match made in heaven...or at least tv.
Exactly. :: swoon::
It was my pleasure. Every moment.
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