FIC: Imagine Us (DCU) Kate/Renee

Jun 02, 2009 17:06

Title: Imagine Us
Author: rysler
Date: June 2, 2009
Fandom: DC Comics/Batverse/52
Pairing: Batwoman/Question II (Kate Kane/Renee Montoya)
Rating: PG-13 for crime/violence
Summary: 2000 words. Just another crack at a first date/origin story.

All the beautiful girls went to vice. When they burned out from whoring, drugs, and gambling, when they developed a distaste for it that they wore on their skin, only then were they ready to be cops. )

birds of prey, comics

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Comments 17

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rysler June 2 2009, 23:32:24 UTC
Thank you!

And, of course. The Harvey and Renee stuff is the most important part of the story. It's the core.


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joran June 2 2009, 23:39:43 UTC
you bring a...real world, for lack of better description, feel to them. You don't ignore the gulf of class or the history, etc.

Thank you. That means a lot. I try to incorporate the span of Renee's appearances, but they can be frustratingly contradictory. And Kate has the opposite problem. I'm glad I'm getting something reasonable down in a story.

But I really needed a perk up, and the Harvey exchange made me laugh out loud.

Good! :)


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rysler June 3 2009, 19:36:15 UTC
Yup. This is one of the reasons why I like your writing so very much. Very clever.

Thank you. I think that twist came to me in the shower. Though of course the correlation was key.

If I could figure out how to get you to write Renee, Kate, Dinah, Shiva, and the rest of the terrific DC ladies you write about, full-time, every day, in between sleep and meals, I WOULD SO DO IT. :)

Um, barring kidnapping?

I don't think I could write them full-time, but I'm sure you could bribe me. ;)

Plots always help! I tend not to write when I'm out of ideas. I'm frequently out of ideas.


winstonta June 3 2009, 04:51:40 UTC
So much love for this pairing, and basically dc comics overall. You captured both Kate and Renee so well, it's like having my mind wrapped in the pages of an issue we will unfortunately never see in print. I've always been intrigued by the story of how these two met and how their relationship was (or wasn't) prior to 52. Keep up the great work and I look forward to any future fic from you :)


rysler June 3 2009, 19:43:08 UTC
Thank you! I've really enjoyed writing them so far. My fingers are crossed that we'll get amazing stuff from Rucka et al this summer. We'll see. I'd love more stories to work with.


anonymous June 3 2009, 08:02:40 UTC
Sadly that there only a few Renee/Kate stories ...
This one is very good, but there is just one mistake. Renee was outed (by Two-Face, see "Gotham Central - Half a Life") years after she broke up with Kate, so Bullock would not know that Renee is gay, but he already suspects that she is (he told her that he thought that all he male dates were just beards).


rysler June 3 2009, 21:01:33 UTC
Aha, thank you. I should have re-read Half a Life, it's sitting right by my desk.

I've made the correction, though it pained me to edit something someone complimented. But we have so little canon, we might as well use it. :)

The Kate/Renee story log is growing! There are at least, like, 10, now. I wonder what critical mass would be.


anonymous June 4 2009, 13:22:25 UTC
Bullock telling Renee that he knew happened after "Half a Life". He told her in "Unresolved", that he knew that all her male dates were 'beards'. Renee herself believed until then that Bullock is a homophobe.
BTW I really like to see a story based on Renee meeting Starfire for the first time (see "Dead Robin").


morningafter2 June 11 2009, 01:50:55 UTC
Okay, so, your Kate/Renee is pretty much my favorite ever.

Just thought you should know that.


rysler June 11 2009, 20:24:08 UTC
Awww, thank you. I love them. I'm so happy to get to write them.


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