Oct 24, 2011 19:30
-Art must be in the format of digital art/sketch/painting, or fanvid.
-Digital art/sketch/painting, and manips must all be a minimum of 500x500.
-Fanvids must be a minimum of two minutes.
-Once your required art is done, you may create additional pieces such as icons, wallpapers, fanmixes, etc.
-Art can not be posted prior to your assigned date.
-Art can not be friends locked.
-Artists will have the opportunity to pick stories on a first come rule, Artist must pick at least one story, if there are more artists than writers and so are some stories last over, then artists may pick another story again on first come basic.
-Artist must post their work on their own Journal and send the link to the authors to be place in the header of the story.
*A note for Artists who signed up last round: Your name will just roll over into this round unless we hear otherwise from you. You do not have to sign up again...unless you want to. @_@
To sigh up please copy the following and post it in the comments below.
Artist name:
LJ username:
E-mail address:
What type of art are you thinking of creating?
Would you prefer working on gen, het, or slash?
artist sign up,