Poll to SPN 4x16

Mar 22, 2009 12:40

Because people have doubts. English version, too.
poll to 4x16 )

ankieta, seriale: spn

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Comments 38

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rysiaczek March 22 2009, 11:54:51 UTC
Yes, I hope it will be in blooopers:D


katty_blake March 22 2009, 12:13:19 UTC
I hope it will be in blooopers:D
Eeek! xD Gag reel wish Misha will ROCK. xD


rysiaczek March 22 2009, 12:46:37 UTC
So say we allXDD


crystalchain March 22 2009, 11:55:20 UTC
It was definitely an attempted joke, at least in my opinion.


rysiaczek March 22 2009, 12:48:39 UTC
I think so, but as you see, they think it wasnt


hearditbothways March 22 2009, 11:57:26 UTC
Gotta go with attempted joke as well. I said after last weeks episode that Cas is picking up some things from Dean. Like his sarcasm and how to behave human etc so I guess this was one of these things.

My opinion.


rysiaczek March 22 2009, 17:18:09 UTC
So do I. But, now when I was thinking about it - even if it was only a statement of fact, so what? I still believe in Dastiel:D
Because Cass was born to be gay:D


katty_blake March 22 2009, 12:12:32 UTC
And I'll stick with my Very Serious Issue theory. xD A statement. Really.

And I'm proud of Misha and his talent - saying the line with a straight face must have been a bitch. xDDDD


rysiaczek March 22 2009, 12:49:38 UTC
Yess, I think there was many "cut", lols, and "again "cut"


lessrest March 22 2009, 12:32:46 UTC
A statement of fact!

I bet Uriel tell jokes all the time when they're out on their angelic missions.

Like this:
Cas & Uriel *on a stake out*
Uriel: Hey, Castiel?
Cas: Yeah?
Uriel: Why did the demon have a hard time falling asleep?
Cas: I don't know.
Uriel: Because there's no rest for the wicked. Hahahaha!



wicked_g March 22 2009, 12:40:01 UTC

Oh god, now I have these random vignettes in my head about Castiel and Uriel on stakeouts, or Uriel telling jokes at the Angel Hangout Bar XD


andrea_deer March 22 2009, 12:47:00 UTC
yeah, later, when Uriel tries to report what's going on and he starts saying "Two hunters and a demon walks into a bar..." everyone waits for a punchline.


wicked_g March 22 2009, 12:49:42 UTC
I bet 'mud monkeys' is a term he hilariously coined, and Castiel has a hard time not cracking up whenever he uses it.

Oh, Uriel. Why so funny?


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