Yep, about a month after I purchased and relaunching my website, my actionsketch host went bye bye. Not really sure what happened there, but it was a free service, and although it came as quite a surprise, I would still like to thank
Tristan for giving this poor ol' musician a place to call home for almost 4 years at no cost what-so-ever. Thanks man, best of luck to you. :)
So! I'm now in the position where I can afford such services monthly, I decided to buy some hosting, and I've re-relaunched, which now has two newerish songs in the demo section.
My beginner's verge tutorial can now be found at The RysenSoft site, Amethyst and such...well I lost some files that were important in the layout, but I figure it was time to make a new site anyway. :P So that's not up yet, but I'm working on it.
And that's about it.