
Jan 05, 2007 21:16

omg. I've figured it out....what I want to do....

I got into music composition because I always wanted to tell a story with my music. I've always been amazed by how music can affect your emotions, trigger your memories, etc. etc. These are all things I've written about in here before.

Part of the reason I started Amethyst was because I wanted to do music for a video game...but at the same time tell a story that could affect your emotions. For one person alone this is a really difficult task. There's so much work that goes into it, and really, so many different areas of creativity, like art, writing, music, animation, programming etc. that you either have to be decently good at all these things, enlist people to help you, or, in my case for much of it, borrow it from random sources.

Doing everything by yourself takes forever. You have to put a lot of work into it, and the results come but slowly. It's not the work that I don't like doing, it's the amount of time it takes for one small piece of anything to be ready to show. And then, it takes even longer for all those small pieces to come together to show just a portion of what you want to express.

Enlisting people is difficult, because then you have to rely on them to be just as passionate as you are about it. This is why I've always worked alone. Well, always been successful at any of my video game work when I've gone solo. With, of course, the exception of McPunky who is awesome and did all the dirty work while all I had to do was music and sound effects for GrassMania. But, people like McPunky seem to be a rareity. Of course, there are also real life things that get in the way, and some times not being able to stay motivated/focused on one project is the result of "real life".

Either way, the point I'm trying to make is that I've been a part of a lot "teams" but most of them have never gotton anywhere and I've always felt that the people involved put in a lot of work only to get, basically, nothing out of it. For the first while, when I first began this, it was great regardless because it was always a learning experience. So I've never felt like I've wasted my time, however I'm now at the point where I've practised enough that I would like to do a *complete* project. And I mean, sure I've worked on cellphone game music, ringtones and the like, those are all complete projects in their own rate, however i'm talking about a complete project on a much larger scale. Basically, what I always wanted Amethyst to become, but never had the time, nor patience to work on by myself.

For the record I am not giving up on Amethyst or any of my other projects, I work on them from time to time still, and really, have put far too much effort into them to give them up so easily.

What I am talking about is a new idea I recently had inspiration for...a radio show. When I say that what might come immediately to mind is a DJ and two of his collegues screwing around, joking or whatever, like you would hear on a morning radio talk show. But that's not what I mean.

I recently discovered http://www.radioblogclub.com On here if you search, you can find just about any song that you want. This is a great site because I some times just have a song stuck in my head and want to listen to it. Rather than scour the torrent sights or whatever to try and find a download of it, I can go to here, find the song, listen to it, and be content. This saves both time and hard drive space. (Hurray). Anyway, I only bring this up because they are full play lists, so even if you find the song you want, 90% of the time it's apart of a group of other songs someone has put up. I was doing something and let the playlist go while I was busy, and it came to a Japanese group known as Sound Horizon.

Now, I fell in love with these guys. Basically what they do, is write full albums based on one theme, where they tell a story throughout the entire thing. The first track is the beginning of the story and the last track is the conclusion. There's singing, background music, spoken parts, variations of themes and all that fun jazz. Now I'm certainly not fluent in Japanese, and really can only understand a small portion of what the actual story that I heard was about, but the music was so awesome, and had such a range of emotion that you kinda of got the jist of what was going on. Sad parts, the beginning of a journey, happy moments, confusion...the list goes on.

And then it hit me...this how I can do what I want to do. I can tell a story, have my music help set the background, create characters...using an outlet that I am both good at, and comfortable with. Audio.

Getting actors and singers will not be a problem at all. I have made a few friends among an amateur voice acting community (they have amateur music there as well) and they are always excited to lend their voices to this sort of thing. And there are thousands of members from all over the world. This is how I can write my musical, without writing those "show stopping" numbers that I'm no good at nor would ever want to try write, tell my story, and an album all at the same time.

I am so fucking excited about this that I used the word "fucking" in a non angry tone.

Now. What do I want to write about...
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