Stolen from
queen_lily_rose Are you an average or unique individual?: I'm a little of both, as I think everyone is. No one is totally normal, and no one is as astonishingly unique as they like to think.
Do you seek profoundness in life, or do you just go with the flow?: Isn't the word actually profundity? Oh, no, it's word choice according to the dictionary, profoundness just sounded off. I don't equate going with the flow as opposite to profundity in one's life, but I suppose I would say I seek profundity and meaning rather than fluff and foam masquerading as a life.
Do you cherish emotion, or are you stoic and sterile?: I am a creature of the heart and emotion. People accuse me of much, but if you accuse me of being a stoic, you haven't even bothered to brush my border.
Does hatred drive you, or does love; or are you numb?: The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy. I am driven by my emotions and thoughts.
Have you ever been terribly wronged by someone?: Yes
Have you ever been betrayed?: Yes
Have you ever experienced unconditional love?: Yes! More than most people will ever know, and I am blessed in that respect
Has someone close to you been critically ill?: Oh yes, sadly
Has someone you loved passed away?:
If so, are you bitter and regretful, or do you embrace their memory?: You people are so self limiting. It's entirely possible to embrace someone's memory and still be bitter. It's just a matter of who you're mad at. I embrace Ry's memory fully, but am angry at God and the world for taking him away. See? No reason you can't span the gap.
Do you wander alone, or do you seek companionship?: I had a wonderful companion for 10 years, 7 of those married, and now I am fine with being alone, even though I never really am.
Can you feel the presence of evil, or are you oblivious?: I am often quite intuitive when it comes to people.
Have you ever felt an urge to indulge dark impulses?: Yes. I think most people have.
Do you walk with angels, or do devils control you?: They both walk with me, but it's a rare day that either has any sway.
Do you fear others or yourself more; or are you fearless?: I fear myself probably moreso, but not my much.
Does the presence of a dead body thrill you?: It neither thrills nor bothers me. It just is.
Do you dream of wandering wastelands of corpses in the cloak of the moon?: Not since I stopped drinking moonshine.
Do you feel deep down that if your enemy was dying, you would help him/her?: More than likely, if faced with it. I can't really say though, I haven't been there.
Have you ever witnessed an animal being brutally beaten?: No, thank God
Have you witnessed any other heinous or violent crime?: Only the comeback of leggings
If so, has it changed you, and how did it change you if it did?: N/A
Do you feel your views on life are "warped" as a result of any trauma?: We each have our own window to the world based on our own life experiences, but short of true psychopaths, I'd not call any of them 'warped'
Do you have a favorite dark quote? "I used to think that when I died- I could see you- So I died as fast as I could" - Emily Dickinson, Letter to a friend.
Are you a serious, sarcastic person, or bubbly and humorous?: Serious and sarcastic mainly.
Do little things and habits of other people annoy you to the point of rage?: Little things? Rarely.
If so, what particular things about people provoke the most rage?: Chatting and posting like this " how r u? whut r u up 2?" makes me think that person must be one of the stupidest in the world, and makes me usually avoid chatting with them.
Do you contain any phobias or conditions (ex: arachnophobia, OCD, depression: Depression and anxiety,
Does art and literature attract you?: Very much so.
Are you creative?: I like to think so
Do you contain any psychic ability; in tune with your subconscious?: I don't really think so, but I sort of wish I did.
Would you consider yourself an artist?: Only of the written word.
Do weapons and objects meant to do harm appeal to you?: No, not really
Do you consider yourself as a submissive or assertive personality?: Submissive mainly, but I can be assertive if I must.
Do you long for love; a soul mate?: I found my soulmate and married him, and he made me happier than I had any right to be.
If so, do you long for someone completely different, or the same?: Ry and I were quite opposite souls, but our values were in touch with each other, so it was never any problem. His assertiveness and adventuresome, confident nature taught me a lot about life.
Do you wish them to be submissive, or challenging to you?: Neither, I want them to be equal to me, and I want us to make decisions together.
Does the appearances of others and yourself have an affect on your attitude: Not generally
If so, what kind of an affect?: N/A
Do you enjoy taking risks, or do you like stability?: I like more stability.
Are you squeamish?: I passed out when Ry got an ABG so....yes.
Do you drown yourself in music?: and/or wine
Do you feel pain?: Yes, of course.
Do you indulge in self-harm of any kind?: Not recently
Does guilt ever hinder you?: Oh, I win the Olympics of guilt and self-attribution.
Are you stressed?: Yes, I can get emotionally overwhelmed rather easily
Do you have health issues that make life harder?: Mentally. Physically, I'm healthy as a horse, which may be my largest issue.
Does regret envelope you?: Sometimes.
Are you tormented?: Sometimes I think so
Do others view you as a threat, but deep down, you are a caring person?: I'm sure some people do, but I do think I am essentially good.
What sort of weather appeals to you most?: I have so many positive memories attached to the rain, those quick, violent downpours that used to catch us as we walked around town.
What is your favorite smell?: Ry. Pure and unadulterated
What is your favorite sense of touch?: Lying with my husband on those sleepy Sunday afternoons, cuddling and doing nothing.
What is your favorite kind of scenery?: The mountains that I live around are lovely.
Where is your most desired place to be?: Anywhere with my Ry.
Do you enjoy the indoor world or the outdoor world better?: The indoor world, what I really love is a used bookstore, nothing so sensous as the smell of books that have been through several lifetimes, the old, almost peppery smell of the memories that slip between the words.
Do you feel in tune with nature?: Sometimes, but not overly so.
Does society define you, or do you weep for it?: Both. Society defines us all, whether we like it or not. But some thigns going on in our society make me very sad.