Lurching Along...

Jul 07, 2007 04:58

Today's mood was a little bit better, although not completely. I still feel a little guilty that Mom brought that cat back because I was crying so hard, but she says not to feel guilty, so I'll try not to. But I am, at the same time, both angry and also a bit worried.

Angry because, I found out the Animal Shelter up here is connected with a No-Kill clinic, who says in one part of their page "We won't euthanize animals just to make room for new ones", and elsewhere state "We will take the animals to a no-kill shelter if there is room." Perhaps that part should be stated more clearly, you know "We're a no-kill shelter, but we can only take on so many pets, so hey, you're fucked if we're full!"

I'm being a bit mean, but it frustrates me how people always seem to hide those things, or back-talk, or double-talk, whatever you want to call it. It isn't much good to advertise as a no-kill clinic who won't euthanize if you also go and put the notes about the other part somewhere further in.

As for the worried, I went to feed the cat earlier. We got him some dry food. I poured a little, but was trying to get more in the bowl he was eating from, so I pushed very gently to have a bit of room, and he hissed at me.

This could just be a territory thing, not meant as anything negative, but there are animals who have food agression, and that can be a very bad thing. We'll have to watch him a bit closer, I suppose.

Other than this, I think I'll hold off on what I mentioned on my poll. As much as I'd love to see everyone again, it would be way expensive to go to Y-con and I don't have the money, nor do I want to torment everyone for any. So, I'll probably go to Izumi-con up here.

Youshi agreed that she can probably handle some ride stuff, and crash space, so long as she has her car (We'll need to discuss that when we can, gal), and someone else also offered crash space.

If I only spend some of my allowance, saving almost all of it, I should be able to take at least a small amount with me. It'll only handle things like room, food, and transportation, but even that's fine. I really just want to go hang out with people.

Also, I found the actual RPD patches. starherd is grabbing them for me, seeing if she can get a second one as well as the one that was offered, and I'll pay her back for them. This means that I'll next have to get a blue shirt and sew the patches on. But, more about that in my cosplay journal when it's time.

Same with my other costumes, which I've been lazy to work on, or update the journal, about... Whee... Maybe later.

Ah, I'm slowly slipping so methinks it is bedtime. Anyway, talk to you all later!

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