(no subject)

Apr 08, 2006 17:00

I guess I should update?

Yeah nothing really new. Not that I know of at least. Reesh is off to Finland and Bobo's in Berlin getting ready. Only a few more days! But yeah I'm in NY with Reesh trying to help unpack...and help avoid a garage sale of my stuff. I just wanted to let everyone know what I'm doing at the moment. Well obviously I have my lap top on my knees, typing this....ramdom....bullshit but aside from that, for some reason Madonna is playing and I'm drinking champange NOT BEER?!?! What a strange...strange change. I dont like it. I want my beer back. But yeah speaking of I'm gonna run down the street in a bit to pick up a case. But gawd, how much more gay could I feel? Madonna's greatest hits, champagne and...on top of it, I'm scrapbooking. SCRAPBOOKING! wow...too bad no one caught this on camera, they'd be shocked! ... or not. Nah, probably not. We all have geh moments though. You know it thsailor *wink wink* haha. Okay so...I dont know what else to update about. Juha, good luck with your shows. Bobo, I'll be there soon. Paul you owe me a backrub. Schny and Gina Hi :D. Hannah, stay out of my room. Reesh, COME BACK HOME! i miss you *sob* yeah i love you. blaaaah blaaaah baaaah. Anyone who i missed, my DEAREST appologies....Oh god, "Justify my love" just came on...now i wanna play. SO! I'll end this...unusually long post and maybe...just maybe one day...if we all wish hard enough....and donate our monthly $20 to the wish upon a rockstar foundation (allcashandcheckswillbesenttoMr.RyanShuckforhisownbenifits) I may just might post about something important. Till then, mmmm....bye.

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