Sweet Surrender Chapter 18 (Part 2) Final Plus Epilogue
Title : Sweet Surrender
Pairing : RyoKame
Genre : romance, angst
Rating : NC-17
Beta : my love
Disclaimer : This story is fiction only. The plot is mine; the boys are not.
Warning: scenes of a sexual nature
Summary : After breaking up with Jin, before fooling around with Pi, Kame shares one awkward, lustful night with Ryo. Later, Kame is free and Ryo wants more. Can Kame afford to get lost again?
A/N: The title and inspiration for this fic comes from the song "Sweet Surrender" by Sarah McLachlan.
A/N: This last chapter is dedicated to
Fazlyn_n who wanted to read this fic when it was complete, and as always to my lovely beta and partner in life Sarahgoldenfish.
to the fic