Title: Your voice, frozen in the wind, surrounds me like snow petals Chapter 12 (of 12)
Pairing: KameRyo, other guest appearances
Rating: PG-15 (hints of sex)
Genre: AU, romance, bit angst (like in every romance story), It might be the hurt&comfort type of fic
Disclaimer: I don't own them or anything else JE-related. But the story is mine of course^^
Summary: Being a privileged boy out of a rich family doesn’t mean you get more love. Kame knows that just too well. All day long he fights against this monster called loneliness, until a new boy joins his class. He is coming out of a different background and just as lonely as he is.
Kame fights against the feelings that are awakening inside him, not able to trust anyone around him. But then he starts to get strange anonymous messages, his heart warming up towards a person he doesn’t even know…and to this strange boy in his class.
Dedicated to:
sweetspicyhot, as a belated birthday present! I really really hope you will like this, my friend!
Chapter 12 *last*
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Chapter 11