*points to entry title* If you can read this, you're overeducated. xD that's what it says on the back of our Senior Girls shirts. In hot pink lettering. Oohers.
Kirstie (Ashi's sister) showed me this drawing the creator of FMA drew of what Ed might look like when he's 19. O.o He's 5'6. Ed's supposed to be a shortie!! *squeals*
We've declared that Alex and Devin are too into eachother to notice when women are groping their own chests RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM during lunch. We were expressing our femininity, and they completely missed it. They have GOT to be gay or something. xDD *snorts*
I've officially had this journal for one year!!! go me!
This means that I have gone happy-crazy, and created a few communities. Wannw know what ones? See my userinfo. They suck majorly cos I haven't done anything with them, but they're there.
I also made a separate fiction account:
magnolia_wine Don't ask, I just followed in the footsteps of the other story writers on LJ. I haven't used it yet...not have I updated any of my fics. I have actually written a non-fcition story. *gasphorrorshock* O.o I'll post it in my other journal. I warn you, it's strictly for fics. Nothing else. You want my life's story, you read here.
So I drove to Keuka Lake on Saturday. I've decided that no matter how rid-goddamn-diculous it sounds, I will be doubly damned if I end up going there for college, cos their tuition is 26,000, they don't have ANY sort of music program whatsoever, and their dorms are friggin tiny! >< But at least I got a cool jacket. Perfect for my fall wardrobe. xD
I have to write a 2-page paper on Monet for Humanities tomorrow, but I'm just gonna pull that one right out my ass and wait until two periods before it's due.
Still haven't started that effing Economics project. Don't ask why- cos it seems rather feasible: collect news articles and provide explanations of how and why they relate to economics using terms and charts, etc. I've had since Sept. 30th to do it, and now it's getting closer to Oct. 28th, and NO PROGRESS. I'm a bad bad girl who doesn't give a shit if Audrey hasn't started it yet either even though she's always the one who's on top of these things.
I considered popping one of Mum's anti-D's today; I felt rather dark and sullen when I woke up. No reason- I just felt like I'd stepped out of some Poe story or depressing poem. Now I feel rather sarcastic about it all. Let's see if listing all my homework for tonight helps:
~Music Theory- finish modal harmony sheet and start modal scales sheet for Wednesday.
~Economics- start that damned project, do key questions for chapter 5 to hand in tomorrow.
~Discrete math- finish long-assed matrices problem that she won't even collect but might randomly check.
~Spanish- actually read that story that doesn't make any sense about a barber on the verge of a seizure and a patrol officer with an itchy trigger finger. Study vocab.
~Humanities- finsh book review sheets and start the college paper outline.
Nope. Nothing. I'm off to do the gruntwork. Later kiddies.................................
I leave you with the conversation that I should have tape-recorded and am kicking my own ass for not doing so:
Zach: "Why are women so confusing? They want THIS, they want THAT, and when they get it, it's NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH!"
Me: "Hate to tell you this, but all women are like that. Sorry." *pats shoulder*
Zach: "Damn, why can't I be gay? I could just hang out with my buddies and not worry about women."
Me: *splits side and nearly pisses self laughing*
Zach: "Well...except for the gay sex part."
No comment from me. I leave that to you.