Update on lyfe

Mar 02, 2012 00:39

Got some writing that I want to upload at some point but right now my time is taken up by MIDTERMS AAAAAAAH NO ESCAPE EXITS BLOCKED EVERYONE PANIC.

Been mostly working on the guardian, clipped, eyes wide open, massive crossover, and a porny rewrite of the medieval au - all names subject to change really. I haven't even changed the word count meters so I don't know how much I've gotten done since my last post. Will hopefully get around to it after I've finished the exams and essays that will allow me to not fail out of being a senior in college. *thumbs up*

Oh, also; spring break is coming up. I'm going to be visiting a friend I haven't seen in over a year and then gorging myself on free food, alcohol, and music at SxSW. No idea if I'll have much time to write, but one can hope yeah?

And just because I want to bitch - BLACKSMITHING. IT SUCKS TO POWERLVL. WHY? I mean, a single pass in winterspring in a half hour netted me over a hundred thorium but to get the same amount of fel iron or adamantite it's 3 passes of any outlands area in like 2 hours flkjhapwe HATE

Though my little pally is only lvl 60 and almost capped (till 65) so why I've started getting cobalt lined up for him I don't really know. *head scratch*

rant, rl, wow

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