To Dallas!

Jun 03, 2010 15:42

While last week I went to Port A, a relaxing weekend spent wallowing on the beach, this coming weekend I'm going to be heading to Dallas for Akon. It's been two years since my last one, and I'm excited to be returning. My cosplay outfit needed a refit (ohnoes I'm getting FAT) and I'm unsure how I'll look in it with 27" less hair (maybe THIS is what I should have thought about before deciding to lop it all off *sadface*) but I'm sure I'll have a blast anyways. I'm dragging a friend along so that I don't get kidnapped or anything when I come out of the hentai panels all discombobulated. *cough* Er.

Someone on ontd_startrek awhile back posted that they had picked up some actual doujin for st, which has me itching to see if there's going to be any at the convention. Um, just for the luls, obviously. I mean, it's not like I'm going to come back with a few hundred dollars worth of k/s comics or anything... really. Yeah I'm not doing a good job convincing myself either... We'll see how it goes.

I didn't check who's going to be showing up as guests, but since I've been kind of out of the popular anime loop for awhile due to my learnings college jaunt I probably wouldn't recognize them anyway. I'm sure that I'll enjoy whatever djs and concert guest stars that show up and I'm going to probably be pulled into the lan room (if there is one this year but why wouldn't there be) for some utter failure at fps. I'm definitely going to oggle at some artwork that I can't afford at auction and roam the dealer's room without the intent to buy anything and end up with a large bag of porn stuff anyway. And I'm totally going to finally get the opportunity to sit down and read through Killing Time when I have to wait in the cosplay contest line.

It's going to be amazing. Yes.

convention, rl, star trek

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