Mar 30, 2009 14:44
Okay so, after Thursday I've been kind of riding this natural high, and have totally yet to come down from it. So the weekend was pretty awesometastic.
First of all, when driving to Austin, I totally went batshit and swerved between cars like nobody's business. Seriously, I was passing like everyone and their mom.
Of course it was also really fucking windy and a lot of people moved over for me because my car is dense, small, and low to the ground so I had no problems with the wind, but still. I think it like, stroked my ego a little. Because on the way back I was worse, and 9 at night, and there were cops everywhere that I missed by chance. ...I should stop digging this grave for myself about now but I don't think I will, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ehem. Okay so, every year I get a new prescription for new lenses for my glasses, and every other year I get new frames as well. This year was lens and frames year so I'm like I get new glasses wewt but then the optometrists are like ROFL your sight hasn't changed at all, and I'm like WUT. And so I'm like PING omg I can totally get prescription sunglasses now and my mom's like omg good idea so we totally went and ordered me sunglasses and they came in on Friday so I got to pick them up on Saturday and they rock so hardcore omfgwtfbbqostriches.
I just came from starbucks, can you tell?!
Anyway, other random happened that I kind of forget and don't really want to go over but then WHEE I got to go check out Arrakis and everyone there seems really nice and I thought I might not like living with so many people at a ICC Co-op but actually it looks really neat and if I can get in I'm going to be very happy except for the 5-6 labor hours a week, that's not going to make me happy but what can you do it's cheap and there's like food and people and internet and a bed and omg did I mention they have a dog? He's so adorable eeeeee, also they said you can bring pets and stuff but my mom's not letting go of Kimi and I'm really sad cause I miss her all the time but that's okay cause I don't want to freak her out by moving her completely and also my mom spoils her like WHOA and she'll probably hate me when I don't.
And omg LOL I was talking to this really nice girl at the dinner table and mentioned how I was parked by my parents at the Dog and Duck Bar and she was like lolwow how old are you and I was all el oh el I'm only nineteen and then she said oh that's nice, hay by the way we're having a party next friday want to join? and I was like WUT I tell you I'm underage and you invite me to a party, you're freaking AWESOME and she was all we have a couch and stuff for you to crash on if you can't drive afterwards, if you know what I mean winkwinknudgenudgesaynomore and I was like have my babies. no really. have them.
uuuuuuh, other stuff happening that I really can't-OHYEAH. Why didn't anyone tell me about this fucking script crazy thing that's totally like NaNo?!!!@ I mean, I know I failed NaNo miserably but I still like being able to try you know? NOW I HAVE LIKE, EIGHT HOURS TO BRAINSTORM. GEE, THANKS. No but seriously I'm going to have fun with this, even though I'm really just going to treat the whole deal like another NaNo cause PFFT screenplays.
Oh my my hands are totally shaking like fuck, are they supposed to do that? How fast are you supposed to drink a grande frappachino or whatever anyway? I mean, I chugged it down pretty fast so I could move on to my strawberries and creme before it started to melt and well you see I have 70 dollarsish left on this UTSA card and we started the semester with 100 and I really need to get rid of it all before the end of semester or else they get to just keep the movey so I've been trying to find little ways of spending it and OH MY GOD I CANT STOP, MAKE THE SHAKING STOP. IVE HAD TO RETYPE LIKE EVERY WORD FIVE TIMES FOR SPELLING BECAUSE fa;sdnpasiergbpawdcnfpioseifuckthisimdone
holy shit,